!Extra: |The Gambler Series| 1. Toddler

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Since I've gotten different requests for what Yagi's fate will be when she's hit by the quirk so I'm going to have a little series for extra chapter called "The gambler series" comment down below if you may want more of this😉

Yagi's POV

I slowly circled the villain who she cornered in an alleyway. It was late at night and I had just gone to get some food after a long shift at the Police Department, when I caught this villain trying to rob a jewelry store.

The villain eyed me, constantly keeping eye contact. Then, she charged at me. I stumbled back, but regained my composure quickly.

I'd seen this villain before, going through files and cases.

Name: Nasami Makishima

Villain Name: Gambler

Age: 19

Quirk Name: N/A -when someone does something to harm or stop her from getting something she wants, Nasami can shoot lasers from her hand. If the laser hits her opponent, it will cause them to change into something random. (Ex. A baby, animal, etc.) Its always a gamble, hence her villain name, as to what the victim would change into.

Drawbacks: if Nasami's quirk is used too often, she gets burn marks from where she shoots her lasers. Other side affects may include: dizziness, headaches, vomiting, and, or fainting.

Her quirk was unpredictable and dangerous. A nervous sweat dropped down my forehead as I constantly dodged her lasers. I just need to dodge enough to the point where her side affects kick in.

I started to to get tired and my movements slowed. I could tell she was also running low on steam. Her accuracy was lowering by the minute and her movements were sloppy. She was getting dizzy.

This was my chance to get her in cuffs. Her hand lowered and I charged in. Then, abruptly, her hand shot up, hitting me in the jaw. Her laser hit me square in the stomach as I slide on the ground. I groaned as I felt my body colliding with the cold, hard floor of the alleyway.

Gamble skipped away with a maniacal laugh. I rolled my eyes and sat up. I was so tired and sleepy that I could care less about food.

I trotted back to the dorms and opened the lobby door quietly, making sure not to wake anyone. I dragged my feet to the elevator and down the hallway to my room. I was exhausted.

As soon as I opened the door, I plopped down onto my bed with a tired sigh. I let my tiredness take over and fell asleep, not even bothering to change. I felt weird, but I just assumed it was my exhaustion. Just sleep deprivation, right?


Of it wouldn't be a Friday morning with my lovely alarm clock blaring in my ear at 6 a.m. I groaned at reached to my night stand to crush my alarm clock, but it wasn't there. I opened my eyes to see that I couldn't reach it. What the hell? Since when did my arms get so short? And when did this outfit get so big on me?

I jumped out bed and put my hair up in a bun. I reached up to the door knob and guess what? I couldn't reach it. Damnit.

I quietly ran to me phone and took the thing in my two hands. It was way bigger than it was yesterday. I hastily texted Uraraka to come to my dorm immediately. I would've texted Izuku, but he's still asleep. He hates mornings.

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