!Extra: Happy Birthday🎉🎂

736 28 32

(D/o/b) = date of birth


Yagi's POV

I woke up to a 'ding' from my phone. I sat up, grabbing my phone off my nightstand. I unplugged it and read a text from Tsukauchi.

'Could you stop by in maybe 30 minutes to help me with something?' I sighed as I texted back a quick 'yes' and started to get ready.

Something about today felt strang. I couldn't put my finger on it, but I felt it. I turned in the shower, the hot water immediately sprung from the shower head, heating up the bathroom like a sauna. The windows fogged up as I slipped off my pajamas and hopped in.

The scolding water felt good on my sore muscles. I took my training a little too far yesterday and went past my limit. I sigh in content as my muscles seemed to loosen.

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body. I walked into my room and went to the closet. I didn't want to actually take the time to plan out an outfit, so I grabbed a loose green shirt, black leggings, and a black hoodie since it was raining. I brushed by hair out and put it into two messy french braids.

On the way out, I grabbed my Police Badge, phone, and headphones. I walked out of my dorm room and shut and locked the door behind me. As I walked down the hallway, I put my headphones in and plugged them in.

I realized no one was up yet when I walked into the lobby area. It was a Saturday and it was 6 a.m. so I guess it's a given. I walked out the door and into the pouring rain.

I started to play some music as I walked off the grounds but of the school. (Cue music up top)
I wasn't really supposed to go outside the school walls without permission, but you know me. I never ask for permission. Hehe.

As I walked along the sidewalks of the buzzing city I sighed, a small smile dancing on my lips as I looked down at my feet splashing in the forming puddles. I always liked the rain. It was just, comforting.

I finally arrived at the Police Department. I walked in and  waved to the front desk. She looked very tired as she slowly waved back. I chuckled and walked to the back to where Tsukauchi was.

When I arrived at his door, I was stopped by a note.

Out at the moment! Be back soon!

What kind shit is he playing now? I take out my phone and text him.

'Come to the cafe a couple blocks away.'  That was the only information he gave me. I sighed and rolled my eyes as I trudged back outside. I put my hood back on and restarted the same song.

Once I arrived to the cafe I saw the bastard. I walked over to him at a quick pace. I huffed and sat down across from him. He looked up from his phone and nervously smiled.

"H-hey kiddo what's up?" He asked and I sighed for what felt like the millionth time today and it's not even 7 a.m.

"Why did you make me walk all the way to the Police Department than all the way here?" I asked in an annoyed voice as he chuckled bashfully.

"Sorry, I came here last minute," he said and I narrowed my eyes at him for a moment. Bullshit.

"Fine. Now why did you want me to come anyways? Something about helping you?" I asked and he nods.

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