a father's worry

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|Edited| - (6/24/20)

Chapter 5:
a father's worry

Your POV

When we arrived home that day, I asked Dad about his plans.

"Did you always plan on giving Midoriya One for All, Dad?" I asked as he subtly choked on tea.

"No. Why would you ever think that?" He asked, setting down his newspaper on the kitchen table where he sat. I could notice him visibly swallow.

I took a sip of my own tea, leaning back against the kitchen counter, "You're an incredibly horrible liar, Dad, didya know that?"

"What's got you so worked up about all of this?" he asked.

How could the thought not even cross his mind?

I walked over to him, placing my hands on the table as we came face to face. I bit my lip, blinking a bit as to dry away any threatening tears. To be frank, I didn't exactly know why I was feeling to sensitive about the subject, but I could tear myself away from it.

"Why not me?" I asked, swallowed as I made eye contact with him. "Did I ever even cross your mind as a successor, Dad? Was I ever an option?! At least tell me I was a possible candidate!"

I stood up straight, furrowing my eyebrows as I cracked my fingers. My temper was slipping.


"Is that a no, Dad? You didn't even think of your own daughter??" I gritted my teeth as he stood up, peering down at me with his soft eyes, ones that completely contrasted against my cold ones.

"(Y/n), you need to calm down and listen to me."

"How the hell can I be calm and listen when I now know that I wasn't even a last fucking resort?"

"I'm not going to lose you like I did your mother!"

I stopped dead in my tracks as my Dad pinched the bridge of his nose with his fingers.

"If you had ended up with a quirk and on your way to UA, there's too-strong-of-a possibility that people could find out you're my daughter. With that knowledge comes a huge target on your back, (Y/n). I'm not going to make that mistake again."

"But, Dad-"

"No buts. Go to bed. And from now on, watcg your language."

I huffed, sucking my teeth, "As if I'd try to refrain."

The next day my father and I refused to talk or even acknowledge each other's being. I suppose I did get my stubbornness from him. Our fight lasted until two days later when he woke me up.

"Hey, sleepyhead," he greeted, earning a pillow to the face.

He sighed, pulling the covers off me. I groaned, glaring at him as I sat up.

"What?" I snapped.

"I've changed my mind."

My eyes shot towards him as if he were making a crude joke.

"Are you serious?"

"Go on and get changed. We're meeting Midoriya at the beach and you both start your training today. We'll talk more about it on the way," Dad tapped my door frame as he closed my door.

I pumped my fist, quietly cheering to myself as I got dressed in a hurry.

Maybe the silent treatment does work.

Dad and I started to walk to the beach as he struck up a conversation.

"If you even want a chance at UA's entrance exams, you're gonna have to put in work. You're not gonna be able to compete with the other students with the body you have now, so we will change that. Plus, even if I am the number one hero, you won't be able to get in just off my recommendation. So the question is, are you ready to go through hell for this?" he turned to me as the sand peeled into view.

"Don't you remember me running after Kacchan before Midoriya even had the chance? I've been ready, Dad."

He smiled to himself, giving me a fist bump.

"Now, with you enrolling in this school, you've gotta remember that no one can know your actual identity. Only some of the staff know you're my daughter since you grew up with them, but you need to keep it that way. I don't want to run the risk of villains finding out," he sternly looked ahead as I nodded, gulping a bit to myself. "but you'll be fine. You are my daughter after all."


Dad kept his promise about the training being harsh. He assigned Midoriya and I opposite ends of the beach to clean.

He expected us to clean everything. From car tires to entire refrigerators. My weak body could hardly stand even looking at it. I was thin and didn't have any muscle, so naturally I was lanky and not strong whatsoever.

C'mon, (Y/n), get your head in the game!

I picked up my first tire, wobbling around with it in my arms. I carried it to the truck where I was supposed to put all the trash. Dragging the heavy piece of junk to the truck's bed, I almost collapsed trying to fling the rubber devil into the pickup. Somehow, I managed to do it.

I put my hands on my knees, looking out onto the piles and piles of trash the aligned my side of the beach.

Just like that, Midoriya and I's 10 months of Hell finally began.

Chapter 5:
Word count: 899

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