final exams

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|Edited| - (11/2/19)

chapter 47:
final exams

Your POV

I hung up the phone after saying those two words, leaving Uncle Aizawa to figure out their meaning on his own.

I sighed, walking out of Dad's office out to the teacher's lounge. There, I saw Uncle Mic and Auntie Midnight. They looked towards the door and rushed over, greeting me in a bear hug.

"Where the hell were ya kiddo?" The yelled in sync as I sweatdropped.

"Places....Anyways, uh...I'm...I'm hear you take the-the final exam," I said, almost inaudibly.

Their faces lit up as they hugged me once more, then rushing to the principal's office.

Only a moment after, Principal Nezu waltzed through the door with my hero costume.

"Go ahead and change. Then meet me at training ground beta. The support course made a few changes if you don't mind," He explained and I nodded, taking the case and heading to the girl's locker room.

I opened the case up to see a note on top. It read:


I've given your costume a totally awesome cool new look that will be perfect for your curves and body type. I've also added my babies in it too! Hehe, hope you like!!

Mei Hastume of the Support Course.

I stared at the note wide eyed, scared of what was to come. What I pulled out made me want to cry.

A skin tight suit with grappling hooks and daggers on a belt. The weapons were cool and all but, skin tight wasn't exactly my style. I thought about calling one of the girls, but felt be awkward. Finally, I just decided to get over and talk to them.

"Hello? Yagi?"

"Uh, hey, Uraraka. Did Mei happen make your suit skin tight?"

"Oh..uh no. That was another costume company. Why what happened?"

"Uh...I'll show you later. Thank you.

"Sure! Bye!"


I sweated from nervousness as I slipped on the costume. It definitely hugged my curves as Mei said, but I wasn't liking it. Let's just say, I wasn't the most confident in my body.

I slipped on my bandages around my neck and set out.

I took a deep breathe before closing the case and walking outside the locker room

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I took a deep breathe before closing the case and walking outside the locker room. I could feel my face getting hotter by the second. This was going to take a while to get used to.

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