the frightening memories of a dark past

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|Edited| - (10/11/19)

chapter 38:
the frightening memories of a dark past

No one's POV

The night of the end of the training camp was a complete and disaster. Several students were injured and one missing.

The ambulances rushed in and out of the property of the Pussycats. Worried chatter and faces could be seen all around. Shoji, Todoroki, and Tokoyami were asked if they saw Yagi.

"Yes, we did. She left us this note as well," Todoroki said, showing the group.

"W-was she the one who helped us?" Tsuyu and Uraraka asked, teary-eyed.

"We don't kno-" Shoji started, but was cut off by Aizawa.

"All of you are going to the hospital. Let's go," He said, quickly ushering them to the bus where they rode to the nearest hospital.


The hospital


As the students gathered around Midoriya's hospital bed, they discussed the situation. The missing Bakugo and.....Yagi. As they conversed, they heard talking outside the door.

"I can show you her memories, but that's all I can do for you. I don't even know what's happening, but that girl is a hero; there's no other way around it," an unfamiliar voice spoke.

"Alright show m-" Aizawa jumped a bit when Kirishima and Kamanari shot their heads out into the hallways.

"Show us," Kamainari said.

"Maybe it could help us figure out where she is," said Kirishima.

"Everyone, this is Kiyoko. Her quirk is called Memory Projection. She can show all the memories of a person like a projection, as long as she has a fragment of their DNA," Aizawa explained to the impatient students.

"You were planning on seeing Yagi's memories, correct?" Iida asked as Aizawa and Kiyoko nodded their heads.

"We want to see them too," The class spoke up immediately.

Aizawa nodded to Kiyoko, signaling her to begin.

As she grabbed the strand of (h/c) hair, she closed her eyes as something looking similar to a projection flew onto the wall.

It was Yagi, yet she was in middle school.

Her face showed not even a drop of emotion.

"What the hell am I doing? UA? I could never get in," Yagi thought.

"We're not done yet, you quirkless loser Oroka!"

Bakugo could be heard yelling, making Midoriya flinch.

"You know if you really want to be hero, there may be another way. Just pray you'll have a quirk in your next life, and take a swan dive off the roof of the building. HAHAAHA!" Bakugo yelled and Yagi turned back, as if she was going to say something, but mere whimpers were the only form of speech that escape her quivering lips.

As the "frame" of the memory zoomed out, Izuku was seen beside her. They walked together until they found a notebook.

"Damn jerk. What if I really did it huh? What he say then?" Yagi thought, furrowing her eyebrows.

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