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chapter 58:

Your POV

"Sir, this man, I need to know if you have even the slightest bit of information about him," I looked at the lanky man who sat behind his desk, tapping his fingers.

"I can't say, (Y/n). This man is elusive and impossible to track down. Though, I'm sure you would most likely find more information about him through your own investigation? Wouldn't the police department aid you in that?"

I looked to the side, debating whether or not should tell him of Chief and I's meeting.

"I suppose, but with your agency, I could get a lot more done. Is there any way I could go on patrol early? Maybe I could show Midoriya the ropes?"

Sir stared at the ground for a bit before looking up at me.

He hummed, "I suppose, but don't come crying to me if you come up empty handed."

"Thank you, Sir," I said as he waved me off, letting me go.

I exited his office, looking down at Chief's text once again.

Overhaul...connected with my mother..?

It almost seemed impossible, yet a lot of things deemed impossible have happened during my time at UA. I sighed, slipping my phone away into the abyss of my pocket as I strolled down the street, trying to put the pieces together.


"So, you're thinking Blackout, my mother, and even Overhaul could all be connected with the League?"

"I'm not thinking it, I'm saying it!" Spike announced, throwing papers in the air.

Spike Uwari~
Quirk: Spark -
If he rubs his hands together fast enough he can generate electricity out of thin air.

"Remind me again why Tsukauchi paired you up with me?"

"Because I'm just that awesome. Plus, a pretty little lady like you needs a handsome, strong, cool guy to guide you!"

"Spike, I really need you to do something for me."


"Shut the fuck up."

I walked out of the room to my office, leaving the poor, horny old teen to sulk in his rejection.

"Hear me out, Yagi! It could all connect! Y'know like the Star Wars saga or something!"

"When was the last time you watched Star Wars?"

"Okay, not the point, but what I'm saying is that all of these weird phenomena could all combine into one like superphenomena!"

He followed me to my office chair, planting his palms against my desk.

"Just think, that voice you keep hearing in your head, it could be your mom or hell even the villain herself brainwashing your mom. Or there could be less to it like schizophrenia-"

"You're not exactly making this any better, Spike."

I searched through a pile of files, pulling out one that's was labeled Mom.

"The fate of my mother, my family, rests on this case. I don't wanna mess it up. I've gone over this file dozens of times, but days ago, I noticed something I had neglected before. This file, it was updated a year ago. Do you know how much could happen in a year?"

Spike tapped his chin, pouting his lips in a what he called his "thinking face."

"Yea, I can see where you're coming from."

"Hell, my mother could be dead by now, but that doesn't necessarily mean I want to quit the investigation. Right now, let's focus just on Overhaul. If we figure out more about him, maybe we can trace his actions to my mother."

He looked at me seriously, then back down to the file.

"Do you really think this is the key, (Y/n)?"

"It's the only key we have, Spike. So yeah."

He looked to the side, smiling a bit.

"You're something else, Yagi."

"Can you spot flirting for 2 seconds? I'm going to call Yakamura. Her quirk could probably help the most in this," I said, dialing her phone number as I heard the dial tone begin to ring.

"Hey, Yagi! What's up?" She chirped.

"Do you mind helping with an investigation of mine. I think your quirk could help a lot," I said, throwing a bagel from the break room into a toaster.

"Uh, sure. Lemme leave this guy's house and I'll be down there in a sec!"

"Kaori, this is like the third guy you've been with for the past week."

"In my defense, the second one wasn't a guy, it was the first guy's sister..." she trailed off, laughing to herself.

I sweatdropped, rethinking my choices of pairing up with the two biggest flirts in the division.

I still wondered whether or not I'd get any work done with the two of them constantly chewing my ear off with their nonsense.


chapter 58:
word count: 778

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