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|Edited| - (8/12/19)

chapter 31:

Your POV

"Hey, Yagi! Have you chosen who you're interning for?" Mina asked as she strode over to my desk, along with the rest of the girls.

"Uh, yea...the Police Department," I said, causing them to look at me quizzically.

"So you're not interning with a hero?" Hagakure asked.

"No, a family friend offered an internship at the department, so I accepted," I said as they nodded.

"Are you ready, (Y/N)?" Izuku asked and I nodded, waving goodbye to the girls.

That Monday.....

No one's POV

"You'll be staying with your interns for a week. Don't forget to bring your costumes. Also, you shouldn't wear them unless your intern says so," Aizawa explained to everyone as they headed out of classroom and to the subway, except for Yagi.

"Aren't you coming Yagi?" Tsu asked.

"Hm? Oh, the Police Department is walking distance from here, so I can just walk. Have a good internship, Tsu. I'll see you in a week I suppose," Yagi said, waving and walking towards the police station. As of entering she spotted Tsukauchi.

Your POV

"Hey kiddo!" Tsukauchi greeted hugging. I awkwardly patted back, feeing a little more comfortable with him.

"I'm so glad you picked me for your internship!" He bellowed excitedly, leading me to his office at the back of the station.

The chief pooped out of his office, giving me a quick side hug. We weren't as close as Tsukauchi and I, but that was mostly because he was my quote on quote "boss."

"How are you doing? Haven't been down here lately. We saw you in the sports festival! Great job!" The chief praised, clapping.

"Also, I have something for you," the chief said, holding a badge that was engraved with my name. "Sometime this week you'll be given this. Of course, only if your internship goes well!"

I curtly nodded, my heart practically exploding out of my chest.

I fucking legit badge? He's offering me a legit badge? Holy shit-

My thoughts screaming silently in my head as Tsukauchi and I continued down the hallway.

"Ok, I have a big job for you, kid. You'll be patrolling the streets from here to Hosu. Any suspicious activity, you follow it. You have permission to use your quirk when necessary, and to ask help from heroes you may know," Tsukauchi said as I firmly nod my head. "You'll leave in an hour, you can take the bus. If the media catches you, then ta-da you're name is now all over the internet. There's not much we can do about that."

"I'll go ahead and change. You got any bagels?"

Tsukauchi threw me bagel from out of no where. Luckily, I caught it.

"Cream cheese?"

"You betcha."

"Wait. Don't throw that, bad idea-"


Tsukauchi POV

"When are you gonna tell her?" Sansa asked me, entering the room after the kid left. His ears perked up at the sound of my mumbling.

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