the long-awaited letter

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|Edited| - (6/29/20)

chapter 10:
the long-awaited letter

Your POV

I woke up and I felt myself trapped in something. I looked around sleepily, completely confused as to what the hell was happening. I eventually looked down, seeing two arms wrapped tightly around my waist. Izuku's breath tickled the back of my neck as I recognized his light snoring.

I tried to wiggle myself out, but I found it harder than I anticipated. His grip was so strong and he was dead asleep. His bedhead and peaceful face clearly showed that.

Somehow, after many minutes of struggling, I finally switched myself with one of his pillows. 

Izuku was still asleep, living up to his heavy sleeping reputation. He snuggled further into the pillow, smiling goofily. I looked away, trying to suppress the tint on my cheeks before I went downstairs.

"Dammit, what are doing to me, Izuku?" I whispered to myself as I slipped out of his room and went downstairs to eat breakfast.

"Good morning, sweetie. I looked for you on the couch, but I couldn't find you," Mrs. Inko said, getting out the cereal and milk.

My eyes increased in size as I swallowed.

"Ah, I was just sleeping on Izuku's floor," I lied, awkwardly clearing my throat.

Little did I know, she saw everything the previous night.

"Good morning, Mom," Izuku said, rubbing the remaining sleep from his eyes as he walked down the stairs.

"Good morning," Mrs. Inko replied, pouring Izuku and I two bowls of cereal.

She handed them out with a smile.

"Thank you," Izuku and I said in sync as we both ate in a comfortable silence.


"I should probably get going," I said as I went upstairs to change.

"Alright, fineeee," Izuku whined as we walked back upstairs.

"Izuku, we live right across the hallway from each other."

"I'll still miss you!"


Once I finished getting my clothes on, I went to do my hair and saw just how bad my bed head is.

Looks like I'll have to tackle it head on.

I thought to myself as I ran a brush through the rat's nest of hair on top of my head.

After the long and tiring war with my hair, I finally finished and put my hair over my scar.

"Can you do it? For me?" Izuku's words echoed in my mind.

I ended up putting it into a half-assed ponytail.

"You ready?" Izuku asked as we headed to the door. I nodded my head and walked to say goodbye to Mrs. Inko.

"Come back anytime, dear!" Mrs. Inko chirped.

"Thank you!" I yelled in voice, walking out the door with Izuku.

"So wanna get ice cream before you back to your apartment?" Izuku asked, checking his phone.

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