the league of villains

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|Edited| - (7/1/20)

chapter 17:
the league of villains

Your POV

Without missing a beat, the purple villain had already left me blood-ridden on the ground.

Think, (Y/n)! Think! How can I use my surroundings to my advantage?

As I looked up, I was given no time to analyze his strategy or know where he was. He punched me again, this time in the mouth, sending blood splattered on the floor.

I grit my teeth, making sure not even a wince left my mouth.

There was no way in hell I was going to give this man the satisfaction of hearing my anguish.

I reeled my fist back and punched him, but my hand unexpectedly went through his body as if he was some ghost. Whilst dodging his punches, I eventually caught a glimpse of a metal body in the middle of his mist.

That must be where his real body lays!

With this new gained information, I started aiming my punches at the center of his body where the metal lay. Eventually, he caught on and grabbed my fist. He pulled forward, causing me to go with him. The villain took my unbalance to his advantage, immediately sending a punch to my gut.

Punch after punch, I could feel my adrenaline slipping.

Was all that training for nothing!? I need to step up my game!

I slowed down my breathing, concentrating on the world around me, my surroundings becoming clearer than before. I leaned forward, grabbed the chunk of metal. The aura around it almost felt like it was sucking me into his body.

He was activating a portal!

Before I knew it, he has already gotten hold of my wrist. He held my arm straight, breaking it on the spot. I was pinned under him. My arm pulsed in absolute agony, but I bottled it up.

He landed punches, slaps, and kicks all over my body until I was almost completely covered in my own blood from head to toe.

Izuku's POV

Tsu, Mineta and I were hiding behind a rock. In front of us was a horrific sight. Mr. Aizawa was being beaten up by what was called "Nomu." Just before the Nomu smashed Aizawa's head into the ground, he stopped, looking ahead.

We followed his line of vision and saw (y/n), beaten up and bloodied under the Mist Villain. The Nomu ran like a mad man towards and grabbed her by her (h/l) hair.

The monster held her up like some kinda of toy, looking at her semi-conscious face before throwing her on the ground next to the hand guy.

I could feel my blood boiling. I started to get up, but was stopped by a teary-eyed Tsu. She shook her head sadly and looked away.

I hate to admit, but I knew she was right. If we were caught, (Y/n) could end up being killed or even used as blackmail against us.

The only thing I could do was watch my best friend's face contort in discomfort as I stood idly by.

IThe Nomu kicked (Y/N), but she weakly stopped its leg before it come in contact with her stomach.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted all of my classmates excluding Todoroki, Kacchan, Kirishima. As their eyes landed on (y/n), they displayed look of what cant be described as anything but total disgust and hate.

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