war declarations and muffin theives

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|Edited| - (7/22/20)

chapter 21:
war declarations and muffin thieves

Your POV

Izuku ended up carrying me back to classroom. My eyes shot open as the memories of what just happened came flooding back.

"You can let me down now," I said, startling Izuku.

"Good, you're awake!" He said as he let me down, holding me steady as I got back on my feet.

Arriving, to the classroom, I saw a big group of people surrounding the door.

"But you just sound like an ass," A boy with messy purple hair said with his hand rubbing the nape of his neck as he looked to the side nonchalantly.

Izuku had somehow already gotten in while I stuck behind him, drowning in the sea of students. 

"Um excu...excuse me," I said quietly, squeezing through the crowd.

The purple haired boy looked at me, my back facing him as I walked into the classroom.

"So your little miss famous now huh? You're his daughter right?" He asks with a snarky tone as I stopped in my tracks.

I let out a sigh, my fists curling as I glanced behind me. If you couldn't tell, I was never very fond of passive aggressive nicknames.

"Yea, what's it to you?" I ask sassily turning around to face him.

He held out his hand for me to shake. I stared blankly ahead as he spoke.

"Take this as a declaration of war, Yagi. I'll beat you in the sports festival and put your name in the dirt. If I win I get your spot in this hero class," He said and I glared at him.

"Yagi don-" Jiro insisted on intervening, but I cut her off short.

"Deal," I said and shook his hand firmly as I turned on my heel.

I grabbed my bag, seeing Izuku shake his head lightly and sigh at my ministrations.

"You seriously declared war on the girl at the wrong time. Have fun getting your ass beat," I said, my handing suddenly making his shoulder smoke as my hand rested on his uniform.

All eyes were on me as I left the room.

Izuku just shook his head at the student, trying to sneak past the group.

"What's your problem? She's the girl who's supposed to be a villain anyway, remember? Nomu?" He inquired as Izuku sourly turned towards him.

"That girl is my best friend. I wouldn't underestimate her if I were you," the green haired boy retorted, jogging behind me to catch up, the boy named Shinso's eyes glue to his back.

No one's POV

As the students surrounding the classroom slowly disbursed, 1A was left alone.

"So Yagi is really like Bakugo in some ways," Kirishima gawked, astounded.

The class rushed over to the window to see a pissed off Yagi. Her hair began to float with every step she took. Small embers erupted on her skin as her face turned bitter and red. As she continued her tangent, Izuku nervously dodged random sparks of electricity.

The class looked at each other, thinking in unison:

Do NOT get on her bad side.

First day of training

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