the scent of copper

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|Edited| - (7/2/20)

chapter 18:
the scent of copper

No ones POV

Class 1A could only view from afar as their classmate was captured by the villains and dragged into the dark portal by tight, red stained ropes.

"Yagi! No! Please!" Uraraka shrieked, her lips quivering.

She reached out her hand in hopes of grabbing her friend back, but all that was there was thin air.

"Where is she?" Hagakure asked, quieter than usual.

"No, class president, how could I let this happen?" Iida asked himself, looking down in shame.

"(Y/N), no please! Come back!!" Midoriya yelled.

He fell to his knees, his hands clenched his shirt where his heart was. Tears streamed down Izuku's freckled cheeks as he sobbed at the loss of his best friend. His chest felt as thought it would collapse any second.

Izuku felt numb and hopeless. His light was gone, and he was left alone in the dark. Him and (Y/n) were never separated. It was foreign to him to feel this way.

Next to him, Bakugo stood, turning his head to the side, making sure none of his classmates saw the worried look in his normally annoyed face.

"We need to get her back!!" Midoriya shouted, rising up from his slouch on the ground.

"Yeah!!" Mina chanted, a few sniffles escaping her pink nose.

"We need to get All Might, Aizawa, and any other injured students to Recovery Girl immediately," Principal Nezu said as he rounded up all of Class 1A, walking back towards the bus.

"No, what if she needs us? You heard him! He said he'll turn her into a Nomu!" Uraraka argued, a few stray tears dripping down her pink cheeks.

"Please, students, know that I want to get her back too. She is my daughter after all, but we need a plan. We can't afford to screw this up if we want to save her," All Might said, looking down at the ground sadly.

Most of the people present were surprised by seeing the always smiling hero—their Symbol of Peace, frowning. His once triumphant face finished to nothing but a defeated expression.

"Fine," Midoriya reluctantly agreed, huffing.

u.a. staff meeting room

The class sat down at a long meeting table in a big room, all staring intently at the principal. Their eyes held hope for him to say he'd figured out a plan to save their classmate, but that hope soon vanished.

"To be frank here, I have no clue were your friend may be. However, we can't loom over this failure. First, we must figure out a location where they may be hiding. Please feel free to throw out some ideas," Nezu clicked his pen, waiting for a student to come forward.

"There's an old ware house on the outskirts of town. From what the people living nearby say, it's filled with poltergeists and abandoned possessions. It seems pretty sketchy to me," Kirishima said.

"Yes, any others?" Nezu asked.

(Btw in this story the villains aren't at the bar yet, just an FYI to those who might be confused later on.)

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