you damned sludge!

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|Edited| - (6/24/20)

Chapter 3:
you damned sludge!

Midoriya's POV

"AHHHHHHH!!!" I screeched as I saw the figure in front of me. "AN INRTUDER? Wha-wai-HUH?!?"

"You know those guys at the pool who always suck in? I'm like that," the man explained to me as my jaw hung open. I could almost hear (y/n)'s echo scolding me to close my mouth unless I wanted to eat flies.

"WHAT?!? This can't be real!! All Might wins all the fights with a fearless smile!" I shouted.

"There's plenty of fear behind that smile," All Might sat down and started talking once again. "I'm counting on you to keep your mouth shut. Don't go online and tell all your friends."

I nodded, watching intently as he lifted up his shirt to reveal a nasty scar on his stomach, making me cringe.

"Pretty gross, right? I got this in a big fight 5 years back. My respiratory system was basically destroyed and I lost my whole stomach. All the surgeries have worn me out and it can't be fixed. Right now, I can only do hero work for about 3 hours a day. The rest of the time, this is what I look like," All Might explained.

"No way—wait 5 years back? Was it was from the fight with toxic chainsaw?"

"Wow, you know your stuff, but no. The punk did get some hits, but he couldn't bring me down. Most of the world has never heard of this fight. I did everything I could to keep it under wraps. I'm supposed to be always smiling right? 'The Symbol of Peace.' People have to think that I'm never afraid, but honestly, I smile to hide the fear inside. It's just a brave face I put on. This job isn't what I would call easy," he said, furrowing his eyebrows.

I stood there, motionless and wide eyed. In reality, the truth everyone, including myself, believed was all just a lie—a cover up for something much, much bigger.

"Pro heroes are always having to risk their lives. Some villains just can't be beaten without powers. Which brings me to your question. 'Can you be a hero without a power?'"

"No, not without a quir-"

"No," I heard a familiar voice speak before All Might could finish.

Both of us looked dumbfounded at (Y/n)'s angered face.

"No, (Y/n). Really it's alrig-"

I tried to reason with her, but she wouldn't listen to me.

"No, it isn't. Even if he doesn't have a quirk, he  has the passion of a hero. Hell, I'd even bet on his success in the future," Her eyebrows furrowed as her face contorted in a sour expression. She cracked her fingers, just like she did every time she felt her temper slowly start to slip. "You've got no clue how much he wants to be a hero, Dad. Who died and made you the boss? He can do whatever the hell he wants with his life. He can be the first quirkless hero if he really put his mind to it!"

"Sweetie, I know you want your best friend to achieve his dream, but it just isn't possible. Not without a quirk," All Might said softly as he patted her back, but she just swatted his hand away.

Your POV

"Wait, you said sweetie. A-and back in the tunnel (Y/n) said Dad! No way! All Might, is
(y/n) really your daughter?!" I heard Midoriya question.

"Yes, and please also keep that a secret too. Also, it's not bad to have dreams, young man, but make sure they're attainable—realistic. Understand?" Dad concluded as he left the roof. I could tell Midoriya was on the brink of tears.

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