the full explanation

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|Edited| - (9/13/19)

chapter 33:
the full explanation

Your POV

It had been about two days since the incident with the infamous Hero Killer: Stain.

Of course, the news was freaking out. News channels, newspapers, and articles were all about it. The Hero Killer had been arrested. All could rest easy now.

That day, I went home. Tsukauchi ended my internship early so I could get some rest. As I walked, I felt more at ease than usual. All the crime fighting seemed to put me at ease. Being a hero really made me feel genuinely happy. I wondered what I'd be doing now if I was still quirkless?

That's something I thought about a lot. Some days I just couldn't believe it.

Me. (Y/n) Yagi was currently going to the number one hero school in Japan, UA.

Even with my best friend too.

I wasn't quirkless anymore, and people accepted me for who I was.

Kacchan didn't come at me as much.

I was really happy now.

I had friends that cared about me.

Life couldn't be better.

In two days I'd be back with my classmates, not in a near-death situation, but just at school...

At least that's what I thought the day prior.

Right now, all I felt was sadness and anger, punching its way through me. Of course, I knew not all stories had happy endings, something always came to break it into pieces.

Life would be fair if it didn't throw hard decisions in your way. Though, what's different about my predicament was I didn't have a choice.

It was rather forceful, giving me another look at the world around me. "Opening my eyes," as some people would say.

You're all most likely wondering what I'm
talking about.

Let me take you a couple hours back, and allow me give you...

The full explanation.


chapter 33:
word count: 317

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