!Extra: Izuku's Mistake

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(This takes place in the canon universe, where (y/n) Yagi doesn't exist. This is in no way canon to the anime or manga, however. This is just a scenario I made up in my head.)

!Extra chapter 8:
Izuku's Mistake

It was all over the news, on every billboard, poster, and magazine. Izuku Midoriya's face sat, plastered in the center of Japan—the world even. Earlier that day, breaking news seeped onto every website imaginable. The information of The Symbol of Peace's new successor. The secret of One For All had been leaked-the secret of All Might.

Izuku and a select few of the class stood in Kamino Ward, watching the screen of the huge monitor that stationed in the middle of the buzzing city. It was where one of All Mights secrets was broadcasted, and where another was soon to be.

Izuku looked up at the screen, his eyes wide in fear as his face was on full display, the words under his face reading:

Izuku Midoriya. The successor of All Might, and the assumed "Next Symbol of Peace."

The students gasped at the sight, looking over to Izuku as he shook in fear.

No. All Might's secret. There's no way.

He thought.

The news reporters voice boomed across the streets.

"We have now gained information that our late Symbol of Peace passed on his quirk to this young boy, Izuku Midoriya. You may know him from the UA sports festival, where he placed 8th in the one on one battles. Could this boy really be the next Symbol of Peace? More with Cynthia."

"Thank you, Brock. This alleged "New Symbol of Peace is a sixteen year old boy from class 1A at UA Highschool. If All Might really did pass on his quirk to this young hero in training, that would explain why he never spoke of his quirk in interviews. Could this also be the reason of his 'true form?' Is the new born hero, Deku, really the successor of All Might—our next pillar of safety? We'll have more later."

The broadcast ended, leaving the young boy on the brink of tears. It was his fault, all of it. He let his demeanor slip too much, along with his mouth. He looked over to the students, their shocked faces slowly exchanged confused looks. Everyone eyed the boy down as he ran. He ran until he couldn't feel his legs.

He made it to UA, bursting through the dorm room doors. Seeing All Might stand in the common room, shutting off the TV.

"Kid, its alright-"

"But it's not! I let your secret out, All Might. I let my words go and the villains found out—and then the world! This is-this is horrible! I cant believe I did this!"

"Young Midoriya, you must know that this was inevitabl-"

"Don't finish that sentence because this could've been avoided if I just kept my mouth shut! I'm sorry, All Might. I was an idiot and now everyone knows about us. We need to find some way to cover it up, but can we even try?" Izuku questioned desperately as he looked up at his master.

All Might shook his head, pointing behind Izuku. There was no avoiding the truth. The class knew by now as they stood behind the student and teacher. All Might nodded softly to the boy, walked back to the school's campus.

"Is this why you were always so close to All Might, Deku?" Uraraka asked.


"Is it true? Do you really wield All Might's quirk?"


"Are you really supposed to be the next Symbol of Peac-"

"Yes! Yes! Yes! It's all true! This is all my fault! I let my mouth slip and now All Might's secret is out! I can't believe I did this. I screwed up, bad. This isn't good. This isn't good," Izuku paced around the common room, the whole class gathering in one spot as they watched the stressed teen.


"This is all my fault because I couldn't keep my damn mouth shut! Now so many people could be in danger. The Symbol of Peace was to remain a hero with unidentifiable quirk. People were supposed to believe that they didn't need to know a person's quirk to know their strength. Now, everyone knows!" Izuku yelled as his phone dinged.

He read the alert, a sour look sketched on his face.

The Hero: Deku is supposedly the new symbol of peace. Can he live up to his new higher standards?

Izuku grilled his phone tightly, throwing it into the wall. It cracked, flying through the dry wall. He snapped.

"I can't even begin to try and cover this up now! People are gonna start thinking I have this whole hero thing figured out! I can barely even control 20% of my power, let alone 100%! What am I supposed to do know? Villains could end up targeting me, putting my family and you all in danger! This could get bad really bad," Izuku said, drowning in frantic worry.

"Deku please just calm down-"

"Calm down? Calm down! The last thing I could do right now is calm down! The whole world knows my secret right now! The secret I've kept for months now! I worked so hard to earn this power, and now, everything has gone to crap! Everything I've worked for up until now means nothing! I'm not ready to be this next 'Symbol Of Peace' everyone expects me to be! That's why I'm here in the first place! So do not tell me to just calm down! I can't calm down! Especially right now!" Izuku heaved I'm breaths, his composure completely leaving him.

"Midoriya, you just have to look on the bright side-"

Izuku ran his hands through his hair, stressed.

"What bright side is there to look at? Name me one thing that is good about this situation," Izuku waited for an answer, but to avail as everyone just stared wide eyed at tie angry friend. "There is no bright side to any of this. So now, I'm going to try and to whatever I can to fix this."

Izuku walked out of the dorms, lighting striking in the dark, rainy sky as he made his way to the school.

His identity as All Mights successor was now out into the world. Everyone knew of his secret and his relationship with the legendary hero.

Would he be able to fix this situation, or would the coming events be even worse than he ever imagined?


!Extra chapter 8:
word count: 1100

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