the many thoughts that flood my mind

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|Edited| - (11/3/19)

chapter 50:
the many thoughts that flood my mind

Your POV

Being on house arrest sucked. None of my classmates could tell me anything. I felt like I was already extremely behind.

Something called a work study had brought up multiple times as well. It sounded extremely familiar, but I couldn't exactly put my finger on what it was.

Izuku asked the meaning of it, but the answer was always the same, "We cant tell you."

I was getting pretty damn sick of that half assed answer.

Each night Izuku, Kacchan, and I would collect trash from the students' rooms and pick up trash around the common room area. I felt like a maid. Who knew three days would feel like three years?

"Let's take the trash out," I said to Izuku and he nodded.

We grabbed two bags each and walked out to the dumpsters. I looked around the path that we walked on when suddenly, something popped out of the wall. Izuku and I looked at each other, then did a double take. It was indeed something popping out of the wall. A...face?!

"What the fuck?" I whisper3: to him as we stared at the face in the wall.

"Trash, right?" He asked and we both nodded.

"You can throw away the food trays with burnables."

"Uh...right." Izuku said, sweat dripping down our stunned faces as we watched the face retract back into the wall. I swear he looked familiar. "You're the energetic first years right?! You're surprised right?! Sorry about that! I did it to surprise ya!"

"What are you?!" Izuku asked and I stared at the face in shock.

Then...I booked it to the dorms, dropping the trash bags by Izuku, ignoring his protests.

Mirio fucking Togata.


Izuku and I walked to the main building, and into class. Today was our first day after house arrest. I was so relieved it was over. It was a stupid reason too. "Not telling a teacher?" Yeah right.

As we walked into the classroom, Izuku apologized to everyone, but I just walked to my seat. What? It's not like I really did anything wrong.

As class finally started, Uncle Aizawa said we would be diving deeper into work studies.

"Please, come in," He said.

The class turned their heads towards the door as three familiar faces came through.

"Nejire? Mirio? Tamaki? What the hell are you guys doing here?" I groaned.

"You know them?" Jiro asked and I nodded my head, sweatdropping.

"Can you please introduce yourselves?" Aizawa asked and they nodded.

Tamaki started.

I knew he wouldn't be able to because I had known him for a while now.

Guess what?

I was correct.

He tried to picture the class as potatoes, but utterly failed.

"What a strange guy," I muttered, shaking my head.

Nejire ended up introducing. She was super hyper and very energetic. She asked everyone questions, not even giving them enough time to answer before moving on to another person.

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