guess who!

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|Edited| - (11/2/19)

chapter 48:
guess who!

Your POV

I woke up with pain all over, but, like magic, it went away instantly. I noticed Granny Chiyo above me, using her quirk, healing me instantly.

"Good to see you awake dear," She said looking down at me lovingly.

I nodded my head as felt her wipe blood off my chin. My body felt better and not as sore.

I sighed to myself, glad that I wouldn't have to deal with pain for the rest of the day. Suddenly I remembered the exam. I abruptly say up, wide eyed.

"Did I pass?" I gulped and she looked at me, smiling .

"Yes, yes you did, honey," She said. I stared at her with a confused expression.

"R-really?" I asked, exasperated.

"Oh and you can join the rest of the class in the licensing exam. You'll be going in the second stage since you already have your Hero Permit from the Police station," She said and I felt my heart beat fast. "Do you feel up to it?"

My heart pounded through my chest, "Yea...I do."

"Well, Aizawa will take you there. Go ahead, but be careful, those staff members didn't exactly go easy on you. You took a beating, dear," She warned and I nodded, nervous sweat dripping down my head as I left the room.

I walked into the teachers lounge and Aizawa looked up. He has some bandaids here and there, but overall he was fine.

"So you wanna go?" He asked.

"Uh, I-I think so. Yes," I said and a small smile grazed his features.

"Look who's got some confidence back," He said, pushing my arm playfully.

We hopped in his car and set off towards the exam arena.

We passed by many buildings and cherry blossom trees. I couldn't help but think of what my classmates would say.

What if they're mad at me for blowing up that night?

Worry flooded my mind as I felt the car stop. Aizawa rubbed my arm reassuringly as we stepped out. My chest slightly loosened, knowing he was there as my pillar of support. 

As we stepped into the building, we met the announcer guy in a room with a big window overviewing the whole arena. He turned to me, about to announce that I was joining, but I silently asked him not to.

I wanted to surprise the class.

Instead, he turned to the microphone and announced the second stage of the exam was about to take place.

Only a moment later, I felt the ground shake. I looked out the window to see buildings crashing down followed by screams. I looked concernedly at Uncle Aizawa, but he shook his head. I heard the man explain that it was a rescue mission.

I look at Uncle Aizawa one last time before rushing downstairs. Before I stepped into a waiting room, I stopped, seeing the familiar faces of the class. I waited till they rushed outside. That's when I rushed out behind them.

I ran around, scanning the area. I already knew how to do this. It was a piece of cake. I scanned the ground near me, seeing a middle aged man with a bloody elbow. He was standing up, so he should be fine. I ran towards him.

"Excuse me, sir. Your injuries seem to be minor. If you don't mind, please escort yourself to the first aid area," I said painfully polite.

"What form! Great way to assure victims! Extra points for you, ma'am!" The man said and I sweatdropped.


By now, I'd saved countless victims. They'd told me I've done fine on everything so, little by little my confidence steadied.

Then of course, something big happened. Gang Orca decided to crash the party. Now, it was a test of flight or flight.

What the hell? Where does UA even get the funds for this shit?

I'd been mostly saving people. I decided to save the fighting for later. It still seemed too risky. Out of my peripheral vision, I saw a little boy under Gang Orca himself.

My eyes widened and my heart started jumping out of my chest. My legs move before I could even think about the consequences of my actions or the actions of Gang Orca.

I heard familiar screams of my name, but I ignored them. My only priority was this little boy's life, even if he was just an actor. I bent down, sliding as I grabbed the boy, cradling him in my arms. I slid under Gang Orca's legs as I kicked him in the back of the knee, forcing him to fall face first into the ground. I landed, planting my feet firmly beside some students.

"Are you okay? Can you walk?" I asked the boy and he shook his head no. I cursed under my breath and turned to some of the students, already knowing who it was.

"Boo," I said blankly.

"What the hell?! How'd you get in here?!" Kacchan yelled and I just glared at him.

"It's a long story. But blah blah blah I'm here and about to take him to first aid," I explained and the rest of them nodded their heads, still in shock as Kacchan raged behind them.

I ran to first aid, dropping the kid off. He said something about me doing a good job, but talking to others too long. I just nodded my head with an extremely forced smile. I hated even the thought of smiling now.

So many people were in danger, but once I went for one, someone took them. Before I knew it, the test is over. I barely got to fight at all. It sucked.

We all gathered in front of a big projection. The man from earlier complained about being tired, like usual, and told us that the projection showed us the names of those who had passed.

I quickly looked up, scanning down the list of Y's. There it was, right there.

Yagi (y/n).

My eyes lit up at the sight of my achievement.

"All who didn't pass, there will be make ups in March," The man said.

"Yes sir!" We responded as we were handed clip boards with our scores on it. I read mine and my body froze.

"Hey Yagi are you alrig-Holy!" Uraraka said as we looked at my grade.

"I got a 99...How is that even possible??" I whispered to myself.

"Cmon, class we're leaving," Aizawa said as we walked over to the bus, except for me.

"Aren't you coming?" Izuku asked and I shook my head.

"I brought a bike," I said and he nodded.

As I walked to my bike, I texted Dad a picture of my license.

I finally did it.


chapter 48:
word count: 1137

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