(A/n) Tagged <3

506 16 11

So I saw that Phantom_Nova tagged me in a story so I opened in and saw that there was like a mini q and a so......here we go?

1. How many followers do you have?


2. How many people are you following?


3. How many views does your book have?

118k 🤧

4. Who is your favorite author?

Idk if they mean on wattpad or not, so...S.E Hinton.

5. What type of phone do you have?

An iPhone 6

6. What Hogwarts house are you in?


7. How many stuffed animals do you own?

Maybe like 2? I don't own that many tbh

8. Bath or showers.


9. Do you have any pets? If so, what are they?

I have a dog. His name is Tucker. 💕

10. Tik Tok or Musical.ly?

I guess Tik Tok bc it's slowly turning into a Walmart version of vine and honestly....I'm not mad about it.

Ok that's all the questions! Thank you to the wonderful Phantom_Nova for tagging me!💞

Here's my tags:


Okay! Bye guys!  Love you!


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