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|Edited| - (11/3/19)

chapter 54;

Your POV

"I talked to the teachers about letting freshmen partake in internships yesterday, and I now have the results," Uncle Aizawa said, waving papers around at the front of the class.

Everyone's attention was on him. No one talked, no one interrupted, hell, I don't think anyone even breathed or blinked.

"Starting with the principal, the majority of teachers said, 'Give it up'," Uncle Aizawa said with a straight face.

"Awe, c'mon! Even after the info session with the seniors?!" Kirishima yelled, banging his fists on the table.

"But if we think about it from the sequence of events that led up to everyone living in the dorms, I guess it would turn out like this...." Kaminari trailed off, playing with Ojiro's tail.

"Serves ya right!" Kacchan yelled.

He'd just been let off house arrest and had just now gotten back in the flow of conversation.

"However," Uncle Aizawa stepped in. "there are also those with the opinion that under our current safeguard policy, we won't raise you to be strong heroes. So, this will be our new policy: 'we will only allow freshmen to work in offices with a good track record when taking in interns.'  That's the conclusion we reached," Uncle Aizawa explained.

Everyone in the class started to talk amongst themselves about the interns they took around the time of the sports festival. I just packed up my stuff and headed out the door, Izuku in my tail.

"Hey, (y/n)!" He called, making me turn around. 

"Hm?" I questioned.

"Do you think you can ask All Might about me interning at Nightyeye's internship?"

I almost spit out imaginary water from how surprised I was. Dad.....with Sir Nighteye? It just doesn't mix.

"Why Don't we just ask together? He should be in the staff work room," I said and Izuku nodded.

We walked down the long, never ending hallways until we reached the staff work room.

I opened the door and heads turned in my direction, followed by many greetings. I replied to them politely and led Izuku to dad.


"Sir Nighteye? Who could've put that idea in your head? Ah of course. You wanted to be proactive, so you called Gran Torino, didn't you?"

Izuku was almost jumping up and down he was so eagar.

"Yes sir!" Izuku said, bowing.

"I refuse."

Geez, way to be blunt, Dad.

Izuku froze up with wide eyes.

"I'm not saying that to punish your though, I have three reasons."

Here we go again...

"First up: during yesterday's meeting, I was apart of the opposing faction, if we think about the recent resurgence of the the very least, I don't think freshmen should have their internships right now."

"I agree," Auntiee Thirteen said from the background.

"I say we just support the students that say they want to go the extra mile," Auntie Midnight asked.

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