beaten, bloodied, and broken

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chapter 28:
beaten, bloodied, and broken

Your POV

"It's time for my fight," I said to Granny Chiyo as she unwrapped the last bit of bandages around my stomach.

"I know. Just please, be careful," She said as I begin to exit the room.

"You know how I am, no promises," I said, trying to lighten to mood and I waved behind me.


I thought as my hand flew to the left side of my waist. A large burn was very much visible and had red stain to it. Granny Chiyo said as long as I used my fire, it would slowly burn my whole left side since I couldn't completely control the quirk.

She doesn't want me to use it for this battle, so I might as well respect her wishes the best I can.

I thought as I entered the long tunnel, leading to the battle field. It was the last battle of the UA sports festival. It's was the battle between the bully and the victim. Needless to say, I was terrified. This boy, he'd petrified and tortured me for years. Now, it was our time to really battle it out.


No one's POV

"It's the time you've all been waiting for! Yagi bs Bakugo! Who will win?!" Present Mic announced, causing the crowd to scream and clap wilder than before.

"Now, battle...start!!" Midnight said, throwing her whip in the air.

"I'm so nervous, you guys," Mina said, taking shelter behind Tsu.

"Me too, ribbit. Midoriya, you three have been friends since you were little right?" Tsu asked and Izuku sweat nervously.

"Well, we used to be, but Kacchan changed once he got his quirk. I really hope (Y/N) is okay," Izuku explained, biting his nails in worry. Tsu nodded her head, not wanting to pry.

"Oroka!!!" Bakugo yelled before launching himself, full speed, towards Yagi, explosions in hand.

He caught up to her, firing his explosions, creating clouds of dust soon cleared by a gigantic wave of ice. Yagi emerged from the cloud of dust, zooming towards Bakugou.

She leaped and tried to kick the boy's head, but Bakugo caught her leg at the last minute and threw her into the air. Luckily, she created ice, similar to Todoroki, and saved herself from going out of bounds. As she looked at him, she almost froze in terror. A look rested on his face, that look that he always wore, but now, it seemed even scarier than usual. His scowl was more prominent as he watched the girl in front of him get up after every hit. She was terrified while he was collected.

As the battle went on, the more gruesome it became. Blood on the field could be seen even from the stands in splatters caused by the many punches and kicks sent to the face by the students. They desperately tried to knock each other unconscious in order to win.

"Use your fire dammit!!" Bakugo yelled, launching himself at Yagi. She backed away, complete fear held in her eyes.

This was it. She was fighting her long-time bully. How would it end? Of course she was scared, but she still wanted to fight, and to win! She just couldn't use her fire.

Both opponent's eyesights were getting blurrier by the minute. They both knew they had to finish this up quickly before they passed out. With half lidded eyes they forced their legs to run at each other, no matter how sore they were, no matter how much they wanted to just sit down and rest.

"Oroka," Bakugo said rashly, only loud enough for Yagi to hear. "I said use your fire."

He growled, getting closer with each word, until finally he took on a full sprint towards the girl, explosions all around his fist as he reeled it back. Yagi, in a panic sets her left side on fire, she too reeled her fist back. Her left side burned immensely.

I have to win this...for Izuku, for Dad, for everyone. Everybody's counting on me. I'm not just his little punching bag anymore.

Yagi thought as she powered up her whole left arm with One For All at 100%. With his fist, covered in explosions, and her's, at 100% and enveloped in dancing, blue flames, they both jumped at each other. As Yagi jumped, she uses One For All to get some extra momentum. In return, leg broke immediately.

"Gah!!" Yagi screamed, the adrenaline wearing off, and the pain rushing through her body.

Cementoss and the other teachers noticed just how gory the fight could become. Cementoss quickly built five, thick cement walls in hopes of stopping the two power houses. As Bakugo and Yagi inched closer and closer to the cement walls they finally threw their fists forward, creating a giant explosion, one that even sent a few students flying out of their seats. I

"(Y/N)!!" Izuku screamed, his eyes holding fear and concern as he looked around at the field, searching for his best friend.

Most of the girls join him at the edge of the stands, some on the verge of tears, knowing that their friend would most likely be severely hurt from the mammoth strength of the punch.

"Yagi!" Uraraka yelled, desperately trying to find her friend in the cloud of dust.

"I can't look," Jiro said, covering her eyes.

The biggest cloud of dust was hovering over the field. The audience was on the edge of their seats. This was the final fight. Who would emerge victorious?

As the cloud of dust subsided, the crowd gasped. There, below them, were the two still standing, similar to the previous fight, but this was much, much more serious.

As the crowd was given a better look at the field, thanks to the cameras, they gasped again, but the most came from class 1A. Yagi's left arm was smoking, bloodied, and broken so badly to the point that it was colored a deep, dark shade of maroon mixed with purple. Her face was covered in blood, some still leaking from her mouth. Her leg was also smoking and the same color as her arm, the pant leg was torn and soaked in blood. Her eyes were glued to the floor, dull and even more emotionless than usual.

Bakugo was spitting up blood, his shirt ripped in half. He had a black eye along with a burn or two. His eyes drew in and out of focus as he swayed, trying to regain his composure.

They were just barely standing, tired with their ragged and uneven breath. Blood, sweat, and tears were sorted everywhere on post opponents. There was no way either of them could fight.

Yagi could barely keep her eyes open. As she tried to run towards the ash blonde, her legs buckled. Her body was absolutely worn out. She couldn't move anymore. The pain was too much and her exhaustion caught up with her as the adrenaline left her body in pulses of pain.

All Yagi heard was Bakugo's name and the loud cheers of the crowd before her eyes blurred even worse than before, and darkness took over as she fell over onto her side, beaten, bloodied, and broken.


chapter 28:
word count: 1216

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