unforseeable foresights

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chapter 60:
unforeseeable foresights

Your POV:

Mirio called Bubble Girl to alert her of our contact with the target. I had become fidgety, so badly wanting to turn around and grab the girl myself. Not to mention, with Overhaul out and about as he was, I wouldn't be surprised if he was planning something.

I had a bad feeling of an upcoming wave of  destruction. He could be gaining allies while we heroes stand around, oblivious to his attempts. He could be making trades, gaining way to the light. I knew the villains would be tough after Dad's retirement, but I never imagined this amount of terrifying upheaval.

"(Y/n)?" Izuku waved a hand in front of my face, I lightly smacked it away.

I'd grown to hate be touched after everything. It only made me uncomfortable as I was forced flashback to the memories I didn't exactly want to relive. I hummed in question, a growing irritability in my chest due to the sudden down pour coming from the sky.

"Are you alright? You haven't spoken at al-"

"Sir!" Mirio called, interrupting Izuku's attempted interrogation. I silently thanked him for that, I didn't want to bring up the past when I should be worrying about the future.

Mirio, Bubble Girl, and Sir discussed what had gone down. We gave them our perspective, and they gave their predictions and opinions in response.

"Sorry, it was a total oops. I mean, what are the odds of running into a target on the street like that, 'specially out of the blue," Mirio apologized.

"No, I accept responsibility. I should've used foresight on you three. It's my fault," Sir counteracted Mirio's apology, turning the fault on himself.

"I'm just glad you all are alright. You could've gotten seriously hurt!" Bubble Girl sighed exasperatedly.

Izuku's curls fell down over his face as the rain poured, and he spoke, "It didn't feel all that scary to me."

"Chisaki and his gang were involved in a recent traffic accident caused by a group of hoodlums, which is remarkable in and of itself. Except, there were zero casualties," Sir pushed up his glasses. "The thieves experienced intense pain and lost consciousness, but they were uninjured. They even provided past ailments like rheumatism and cavities, which were completely gone. The authorities believe Chisaki's quirk might've been responsible. But with the victims unharmed, there was no crime to accuse him of."

"The stolen money was burned up, so there was no evidence left to recover. The police didn't find any sign of crime in that regard either," Bubble Girl explained.

I furrowed my eyebrows. Something smelt fishy, as in fucking aquarium-level fishy.

"That's seems extremely suspicious, don't you think?" I asked and she nodded.

"Exactly. That's why we've started investigating on our own. We haven't found anything leading to them, but we know something has to be going on."

"With the amount of suspicion in the air, along with how well they're covering their tracks in they are in fact doing dirty work, leads me to believe this isn't the first time they've attempted something of this sort."

"Sir, I almost forgot to mention this. During our brief encounter, we yielded some new information! Chisaki, it seems he has a daughter," Mirio explained, Sir pushed his glasses up again, a sign of worry.

"A daughter...?"

"A little girl whom he called Eri," Izuku explained, looking to his fist. "We should've protected her!"

"I won't let your arrogance interfere with this case!" Sir exclaimed.

"But, Sir-"

He interrupted Izuku, "Haste wont make the situation any better. It will only make it that much easier for your target to escape. Take your time. If we want to protect this little girl, we can't afford to screw this up. You're not special enough to go and save anyone you want. We've teamed up with other agencies. Remember; good intentions aren't enough to save the world. The wisest villains hide in the shadows. In order to find them, we must watch and wait. The two of you should go back to the office today. (Y/n), you stay back for a moment."

Izuku and Mirio looked over to me as I shrugged. My stomach churned as they walked away, and I was left with Sir.

"Bubble Girl, you go ahead. I'll catch up," Sir said as Bubble Girl followed his orders.

"What is it, Sir?" I asked, stepping forward a bit.

His answer was blunt and struck my gut in the worst way possible.

"I'm dropping you from this mission."

My head fogged and I couldn't thinking straight. My only chance to find my mother. To gain revenge on Chisaki. To save that little girl.

It was all gone with a few words of superiority.

"What?" I breathed out, not completely believing my ears.

"You heard me," I stepped back. Why was he like this all of the sudden? "You don't need an answer Yagi. Go continue working at the agency and your studies. You're no longer needed."

"What? Am I not strong enough? Is my combat not enough? I-"

"(Y/n)," he talked slow and coldly. "Go."

I swallowed thickly, gritting my teeth as I walked away.

Ever since it started raining I knew something shitty was going to happen. I never understood how people could be motivated with gloomy weather. All it did was fuck up my hair.


No one's POV:

"Did you tell her?" Bubble Girl asked as Sir Nighteye caught up.

"Yes," he responded dryly.

"If you don't mind me asking, why did you let her off this mission? You've never been the type to be prejudice to others with no quirks," Bubble Girl turned to look at Sir as they walked.

Sir kept his vision straight ahead as he spoke, "I'm not being prejudice towards her. I know her capabilities. In fact, that's exactly why I let her go." 

Bubble Girl titled her head, urging him to go on.

He sigh, pushing up his glasses, "I used foresight on her. If I were to permit her in joining us on this mission, something so horribly graphic that even my quirk couldn't comprehend could happen to her."

Bubble Girl's breath hitched. Nighteye's quirk was never wrong, and to think that it couldn't clearly describe something so tragic. It made her tremble.

"But what about her mother? Will she-"

"According to the glimpse of what I saw, who's to say she's even still here?" Sir's view never veered to the side. He was in deep thought. 

The glimpse of what he saw.

It was nothing but blood. Vibrant blood splattered on the walls. Sir Nighteye didn't know whose it was, and, frankly, he was terrified to find out.


chapter 60:
word count: 1120

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