depression, texts, and leads

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|Edited| - (11/1/19)

chapter 43:
depression, texts, and leads

No ones POV

The first weekend in the dorms went well, everyone slept and had gotten used to living with each other fairly quickly. Today was the morning of the always dreaded Monday. Everyone met at the cafeteria and ate breakfast...all except one person.

"Has anyone seen Yagi?" Tsuyu asked and everyone shrugged.

"Nope. Didn't see her at all last night either." Izuku said, tapping his chin.

"I wonder where she is?" Uraraka asked.

Moments later someone stepped out of the front doors of the lobby.

"G'morning," Yagi greeted, holding up a peace and yawning.

"Where were you?! Did you sleep enough?!" Iida freaked out but Yagi interrupted him.

"Relax, I was helping Dad set up the apartment because he has no fucking clue how to decorate since I'm not there. Plus, now that he is retired, he's gonna be actually living there and not visiting. Not to mention, I had to help Uncle Aizawa and Uncle Mic with some stuff at school," She explained as Iida nodded in defeat.

"Jeez you actually woke up that early?" Izuku asked and Yagi nodded proudly.

"Yea, I was surprised too. It was fucking horrible, but at least I tried," She said, walking to the elevators and to her room.


Your POV

"Damn, when am I going to be able to just tell them? I'm getting so sick of lying about how hard Tsukauchi is working me," I complained, changing into my school uniform.

The previous night, I had gotten no sleep what so ever. I pulled an all nighter looking for some sign of knowledge about the light hero: Blackout. Ever since the voice first spoke, I've been obsessed with trying to find the owner and save whoever needs it. Unfortunately, I haven't had much time to do so because of training. We're they a villain somehow trying to trick me into working with them in return for the helping me? Or is this a hostage situation..?

As I got dressed, I stepped out of my room, going on my way to school, about a 5 minutes walk from the dorms.

The reality of being quirkless hit me hard. I've never felt so weak and useless since middle school. Even going as far back as the USJ, my confidence has been deteriorating. Everyday, I've just felt like a nobody. Truth is, I don't even know if I'll be able to be in the hero course. It would be so absurd to have a quirkless girl in a class full of cool and amazing pre-heroes.

The worst thing is, I still haven't smiled..I know I keep most of my emotions in, but it's not even a little around Izuku or Dad Might anymore. I can just feel myself washing away. My flaming desire to help people and become a hero were blowing away with the wind. I was so self conscious. My heart was in pieces from all the events I had been through at UA. Goddamn, it was like Middle school all over again.

So many times I've just thought about quitting. 

"Am I really good enough to be a hero?"

That question rang through my mind constantly.

On top of everything, my mom could be captured by villains this very moment. Uncle Tsukauchi said he would work on the investigation and notify me if they found anything. I just hoped it all works out.


I was in the middle of class. Uncle Aizawa was talking about the provisional exam and special moves while I wrote in a small notebook. I wrote down ideas and possibilities of where my mom might be, doing math to see how long she was there too. In general, I was just worrying about her well being. I've never met the woman in my life, but she was still my own flesh and blood.

Anger and frustration pumped through my veins just thinking about how I was sitting here on my lazy ass-

I was interrupted from my thoughts when I heard a ding from my phone. It was a text from

As I picked up my phone and read it. My face went extremely pale and I felt sick to my stomach.

"(Y/N) no cellphones during class- where do you think you going?" Uncle Aizawa asked me as I stood up from my seat and walk to the door.

"The police department. You're gonna want to be there too," I said seriously, looking him dead in the his before slipping out of the classroom and swiftly closing the door behind me.


No ones POV

"Um, Mr. Aizawa? What was that about?" Mina asked the teacher as he looked at the door.

"You're all going to Mic early. Gather your stuff for English," Aizawa ordered hurriedly, grabbing his stuff, going to tell Mic about the situation.

"Wait! Why did Yagi leave so suddenly? Is she okay? And what's happening that's making you leave so suddenly, Sir?" Iida asked and Aizawa shook his head.

"I'm not sure if either of those things, but when
(y/n) has that look in her eyes, I know something is up," Aizawa said, exiting the classroom.


Your POV

I quickly rushed out of the building called UA and ran to the parking area near the dorms. I hopped in my bike, pedaling as fast as I could towards the station.

I pedaled til my legs burnt and became sore. By the time I got to the station, I dropped my bike, not bothering to park it. I rushed into the station, ignoring the greetings of the officers. Running to Tsukauchi's office, I bursted through the door.

"I see you got the text. Let's get started,"
He said and we went to a big room, aligned with books shelves and filing cabinets against the walls. Piles and piles of files were stacked on top and in the filing cabinets. We both nodded to each other and started to grab one after another of the books and files. Today was the day we would find Blackout. Today was the day.....we would find mom.

If it was the last fucking thing I did.


chapter 43:
word count: 1039

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