with cream cheese

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|Edited| - (8/4/19)

chapter 24:
with cream cheese

Your POV

"Wow, I didn't know all of that could go on in the span of just 15 minutes!" Yoayarozu said as I finished explaining.

"Well, it can. I can't believe I'm even alive right now."

"You made it! That's all that matters!" Uraraka said, patting my back.

I heard my phone ring as I ate my rice.

"Excuse me for a sec," I said, stepping into the hallway. "Hello?"

"Hey kiddo! I need you to come and help me with this file. You know how bad I am at these. If you could come that'd be awesome!" Tsukauchi's voice responded.

"Alright, I'll see what I can do," I said, hanging up as I sat back down with the girls.


I sat at lunch with the girls as we ate and talked amongst ourselves. We were supposed to be doing side games soon, but I would probably use that time to help Tsukauchi.

All of a sudden, the two perverts came waltzing over. Kaminari and Mineta came to the the girls and I, smirking with their untrustworthy faces.

"Hey girls! You know you have to wear cheerleader uniforms? Right?" They said, but I saw straight through their plan.

I'd had enough tension before, so I decided to play along.

"Yea didn't you hear Aizawa? Guess I should've reminded you guys. Sorry about that," I say looking over at Kaminari and Mineta.

"Oh! Thanks Yagi! Aren't you coming?" Mina asked.

"No, I have to stop by some where during the games, but I'll wish you good luck before I go," I said, watching them went to change.

"What the hell, Yagi?! We want to see your body!" Kaminari and Mineta whined and headed over to the boys I followed, sitting next to Izuku and Iida.

"Hey, I have to go make a call, so if anyone asks make sure to tell them where I am," I said, going into the hall to call Tsukauchi back.

No ones POV

"BOYS! We are having a crisis!" Kamanari and Mineta yelled.

"What's wrong?!" Iida asked worriedly.

"We have yet to see Yagi's body. We still don't know if she's curvy or busty! This is horrible!" Mineta said.

"Yea! And we convinced the girls to wear cheerleader uniforms in hopes of seeing Yagi's body, but then she played along and left!" Kaminari said sadly.

"Don't you guys care! She's the daughter of All Might, and we haven't even seen her in a dress! Don't you want to see?!" Mineta said and the boys blushed.

"Come on! We don't know her measurements or her curves!" Mineta and Kaminari whined, making the boys blush even more.

"Why don't you just give it up?" Ojiro asked as Mineta and Kaminari put on determined faces.

"We will find out! She never shows skin! So we don't even have an idea!" Mineta yelled then smirks over to Midoriya.

"Midoriya, you're her best friend right? Have you seen anything?" Mineta and Kaminari asked and Midoriya choked on his food. Subconsciously, all the boys looked over at Midoriya for an answer.

"Uh...no. She's not very confident with her body, and she's embarrassed of her scars. That's all I know about it though," Izuku explained to a disappointed Kaminari and Mineta.

"One day! Oh! Maybe we can ask the girls!" Mineta said and Kaminari nodded.

"Where's Yagi?" Yoayarozu asked and the boys shrugged.

"She went to go call someone in the hall way," Izuku explained.

"Girls! Do you know Yagi's body type?" Mineta asked and the girls looked shocked.

"Why would we tell you?!" Hagakure yelled.

"Because! She never shows skin! She wears tights all the time! We don't know what her body looks like at all! We wanna see!" Mineta and Kaminari whined.

"Oh, I'll give you something to look at. Hagakure, grapes are flammable right?" Yagi asked as she looked the two boys who shook in fear.

"Yep!" She squeaked.

"Good. You better run, dumbass, Sparky," Yagi said and sets their asses on fire, literally.


Yagi only sat calmly next Izuku, cracking her neck and knuckles intimidatingly.

"Should I go further?" Yagi asked and the boys shake their head no.

"Alright then. Have fun and good luck on your little games. I have to run an errand, so I'll be right back," Yagi said, patting Izuku's shoulder. "And girl's, if they come back, let me know."

The girls nodded, watching as the girl walked away, music blasting in her ears once agin.


Your POV

As I walked to the Police Department, I looked at my jacked up finger.

Jeez I really wish I had a healing quirk. This shit hurts.

I said, kissing the top of my finger. It instantly healed, making me stumble back.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Just like that?"

"Hey kiddo!" Tsukauchi yelled as I walked into the building.

"Hey, what file were you talking about?" I asked as he handed my a file.

I opened it, reading it.

"Chizome Akaguro? As in Stain?" I asked and Tsukauchi nodded.

"Precisely. I just need you organize his file a little bit, and then you can file in the work room. Don't worry, we've got bagels."

"With cream cheese?"

"With cream cheese."


chapter 24:
word count: 886

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