shitty bastards

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|Edited| - (11/3/19)

chapter 49:
shitty bastards

Your POV

Later that night, the whole class had a party to celebrate our victory on getting our licenses. Of course, many asked questions about my absence and I answered all that I could. I was currently talking to Uraraka.

"So what teacher did you fight?" She asked and I looked at her quizzically.

"What do you mean? Weren't they all the same?" I asked and she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"No, Aoyama and I fought Thirteen," She explained and my whole body freezes as my nostrils flared.

"Are you fucking serious?" I asked and she looked at me in complete confusion.

"Kirishima; who did you fight for the final exam?"

"Cementoss with Sato. Why?" He asked.

"So no one in this room had to fight alone?" I asked and everyone nodded.

"Why? What happened Yagi?" Mina asked.

"I had to fight the whole fucking staff alone. What the fuck kinda cheap shot is that?" I shouted and the class gaped at me.

"The whole staff?! That's unreal!" Kamanari said and I nodded my head.

"Damn cheeky bastards," I said and the class returned to their conversations.

"By the way, Yagi. Did you get a new hero suit?" Uraraka asked and nod.

"That's what I called you about," I said and she nods, recalling what I sent.

"Speaking about that suit..." Mineta sauntered over, practically drooling. "Can you put it on maybe one more time-"

Kirishima just glared at him, shoving him in another direction, "Dude, chill out."

We talked some more. I caught up a little on what I had missed in class. We eventually all dragged our lazy asses to bed.


I was sleeping peacefully in my comfortable bed, when suddenly I heard screams and explosions from outside my window.

"What the actual fuck?" I asked myself as I slipped on my shoes and ran out to the scene.

The sight in front of me made me involuntarily gasp. Izuku and Kacchan were fighting, all out.

They had cuts and bruises everywhere. They were out of breath and panting.

The two boys started to run at each other at full speed. My legs started to move on their own as I tackled them to the ground. They gasped in shock as the three of us slid on the concrete.

"What the hell were you thinking?!" I asked and they both looked up at me.

"Oroka/(y/n)?!" They yelled in unison.

"What the fuck? Why were you fighting?!" I asked and they both looked down until Kacchan finally answered.

"I was crushing him like the little fly he is. I-I was the reason for All Mights retirement! I was the end of him-!" He said, his voice cracking from frustration.

"Like hell you were! I was! I let you get captured! I should've been faster! I should've made sure everyone was safe, b-but I was weak! Don't you dare think this is your fault because it was mine all right?" I said, tears brimming at my water line.

Kacchan stood up, aiming a punch at me. I grabbed his fist, sending him a harsh glare as I crushed it.

"Don't. Even. Think. About. It." I said, letting go of his fist and wiping blood off my cheek.

Suddenly, Dad walked over, telling us he saw everything.

Out of the blue, he started to explain Izuku and his quirk to Kacchan. I sat there, bewildered.

What the hell is going on?

"I'll keep my mouth shut, unlike Deku," Kacchan said and Dad nodded with a smile.


"It's a long story, (y/n)," My father barely even tried to explain the situation. He just kinda shoved me off to put the pieces together myself.

We all headed to the infirmary. I still sat there, confused until Izuku finally told me the situation and how the fight started.

I nodded my head as bandaids were scattered about my cuts and scrapes.

Out of no where, Uncle Aizawa stumbled into the room, tying us up in his capture weapon.

He scolded us to no end.

"Bakugo: 4 days. Midoriya and Yagi: 3! And you have to clean up the dorms morning and night! Also! Turn in written apologies!" He said and I glare at him.

"I didn't even do anything! I barely even know the full situation!" I yelled in defense.

"Y-you didn't tell a teacher! Now go to bed!" He yelled and we got up, heading to the dorms. Before I walked out, I asked Uncle Aizawa something.

"Why did you make me fight all the teachers?"

"To test you. If you had just given up, then you could've won," He said nonchalantly.

I try to run at him, but Dad caught me, literally dragging me to the dorms. Before I was dragged out completely, I flipped Mr. Aizawa off, earning a sour glare from him.

I got up at the doors of the dorms and started to head inside when Dad stopped me.

"I'm really proud of you. You're my little hero," He said, tearing up a little.

"You such a cry baby, but, thanks." I said.

"Love you," He says, kissing me forehead as I nodded. "And go to bed."

"Love you too," I said, walking into the building and up to my room.

I got back into the warmth of my blankets and start to drift off to sleep when I remembered something.

Wait. If Aizawa was at the licensing exam first, then came to my exam after...does that mean he came just to sock me in the jaw?....That shitty bastard-


chapter 49:
word count: 943

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