
1.9K 68 37

(Sneak peek at a deleted scene at the end🙃)

chapter 37:

Your POV

"Alright, tonight is the night we bombard the pesky UA bastards," Tomura said.

The League cheered, while I stood in the back, shifting uncomfortably.

"We're leaving in T-5 minutes. Hurry your asses up," Tomura said intimidatingly.

The others scurried to leave.

I only walked calmly.

Walking in, I closed the door behind me, sitting on my bed with my head in my hands. A few silent tears escape through my fingers, but I forced myself to dry it.

I was a hero goddammit, and heroes never cry.

I grabbed my hoodie and a sticky note, along with a pencil. I didn't know why I grabbed them I just had a gut feeling. Slipping the slim piece of paper and pencil in my pocket, I headed to the main bar area.

Seeing as I was the first one there, I sat on a stool at the bar, and lay my elbow on the table, my fist holding up my head. My thoughts jumbled in a series of paranoia as I thought of the outcome of what could happen.

I could encounter them or just end up staying in the back of everything, hiding in the shadows.

Anything could happen, but my main question was:

Would they fight back?

"Alright, idiots let's go," Tomura said, roughly pushing everyone to the door.

As we were ushered out the door, we entered into Kurogiri's portal. I felt as if cold water was just poured over my head as we exited out of it, ending up at a familiar mountain. I remembered playing here when I was little, when the Pussycats would babysit me. It was always so peaceful and serene. Now what would happen?

I wonder how Kota's doing?

I thought to myself, sadly looking down at the camp, remembering his onyx eyes, always clouded with hate.

"Let's get started, shall we?" Dabi asked snakily, activating his quirk, setting nearby tree on fire.

A sharp gasp escaped my throat involuntarily, seeing the blue flames slowly spread through the camp. The black smoke rose into the sky, seeming to hover over it as the flames ate up every flammable inch of the forest and its surrounding areas.

I looked around and saw that everyone had ran, looking for trouble, leaving me to fend for myself. I panicked seeing that I was left behind. I quickly thought of places to go and where I could avoid the most trouble. My discordant thought process that seemed to be clouded in a loom of anxiety was broken when only one person, one kid, entered my mind.

Kota Izumi.

He was my one priority, that was it.

"I need to keep my identity under wraps," I said, focusing on Hagakure's quirk, successfully turning invisible.


With the class.....


No ones POV

"Gah!" Pixie Bob screamed, a pink aura surrounding her, pulling her into the forest.

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