figuring it out

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|Edited| - (8/2/19)

chapter 20:
figuring it out

Your POV

The last 2 days were filled with painful groans and recovering, but now it had all paid off. I was finally healed and was discharged from the antiseptic-scented hospital.

"You may now go to class, but after lunch you'll go with some teachers to the battle grounds, and they'll try to help you control your quirks. Your quirks may start going off at anytime, so I'm warning you now. Please be careful, I've just only stitched you up," Granny Chiyo said sternly, yet gently as she guided me to the door.

I nodded my head, walking to class.

It was about 7:50am, so I would be 10 minutes early. I was guessing Iida might be there.

"Good morning, Yagi! How are you feeling?" Iida asked as I stepped into the classroom.

"A hell of a lot better. I'm a little nervous, though. I have to try and find out what quirks I have after lunch, and God knows how long that will will take," I said, sighing.

"Don't worry! After class some students will help you! You'll get through this! You're tough don't worry!" Iida encouraged with a thumbs up.

Iida and I found out that we both were very close to Uncle Tensei. I felt rather slow hence the amount of time it took me to piece together that they were, in fact, brothers, even with the amount of evidence that was provided.

"Hey Iida!-Yagi, you're back!" Uraraka said dramatically, tackling me in a hug to the point where I was on the ground.

"Hey..." I groaned.

"Oh! Sorry I just got excited!" Uraraka chuckled.

"Hey-! Uh, why is Yagi on the floor?" Kirishima asked pointing to me.

"Uraraka got a bit too excited seeing me back on my feet," I said sweatdropping.

"Ah," He responded, walking to his seat. "By the way, how are you feeling, Yagi?"

"Somewhat better. I'm still a bit sore here and there, but I should be fine with the help of Recovery Girl."

I wasn't very used to all the attention. Everyone suddenly cared so much about me. Before UA, Auntie Midnight, Uncle Mic, and Uncle Aizawa were the only ones who really cared, well with the exception of my father. It made me feel loved and filled the space of loving care that I somewhat lacked without my mother and with my father's busy schedule.


A chorus of "hellos" and "good mornings" echoed off the walls, along with friendly chatter as the classroom filled with students.

"Good morning class, as you can see Yagi is now back, but she will leave after lunch with some teachers in hopes of figuring out her powers. After all classes are done, you may help her or go home, your choice," Aizawa said, suddenly walking into the room of shocked faces.

"Mr. Aizawa? What are you doing here?!" The class chanted.

"I'm here to teach class, but I'm going to take a nap. The old lady did a big treatment and took a more than enough of my energy."

As soon as Aizawa finished his sentence he was out like a light.


"So, 10 quirks...What could they be?" I asked my three friends, sitting down at a table in the cafeteria.

I grabbed a notebook and pen as I began to think.

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