i choose you....

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chapter 30:
i choose you

No one's POV

"I'm perfectly fine," Yagi said as Recovery rewrapped her arms and side.

"No you are not," She said sternly.

"My blood pressure is fine, I'm still awake too,"

"You're excessively sweating and panting, and the burn is spreading quickly. You need to rest. Not to mention, your and arm are far from fine. Do you even know who you fought?" Recovery Girl asked.

"Candy cane and Kacchan. Yes, I know who I fought. Sure, they got some punches in and broke some ribs and burned me...but I still fucking won didn't I?" Yagi retorted.

"First of all, his name is Todoroki, and second, watch your mouth, young lady!" She yelled as Yagi slumped in her seat, groaning.

The two still hadn't noticed the class by the door due to their loud bickering.

"A-abs...b-boobsss...." A creepy, lispy voice said and Yagi.

"Get out," Yagi sneered, throwing her pillow at the pervert as he ran away. She huffed, covering herself with a blanket.

"Yagi!" Mina shouted, getting the girl's attention.

"Hey," She greeted, glaring at Mineta who stood at the door, drooling.

"Are...are you okay?" Uraraka asked, on the verge of tears.

"Yea-woah woah why are you crying?" Yagi asked, worried.

"Because! You passed out and cracked ribs and burned you skin and then ran away! I was so worried!" She criesd and Yagi's face softened from its usual emotionless state.

"Look, I'm fine. The old lady was just exaggerating. I'm fine," Yagi assured Uraraka as she nodded. "I say we go get some food."

"Woah, wait! Aren't you still hurt?!" Kirishima asked.

"Sure, but I'm fine. The old lady somewhat healed me up. Stop worrying you, big baby," She said, flicking his forehead.

As they walked, many went home to their families, leaving Yagi and Izuku alone. Izuku noticed Yagi swaying a bit.

"Hey are you okay?"

"Yea, just a little dizzy..." Yagi trailed off, tripping over her own foot.

"Woah there!" Izuku said, catching Yagi before she met the ground. "I think Recovery Girl was right. You need some rest."

"No...I'm fineee," Yagi said, slurring her words.

"Let's get you home. I'll order some pizza and you can get some sleep," Izuku said, carrying Yagi.

Your POV

"Izuku? (Y/n)?What are you doing here?" Mrs. Inko asked.

"(Y/n) was feeling dizzy, so I'm forcing her to rest. Do you mind if we order pizza?" Izuku asked.

"No, that's fine, sweetie. I just saw the sports festival. You two should definitely rest. Go ahead on the couch and I'll get some pizza," Mrs. Inko said, ushering us to the living room.

Izuku laid me down in the couch, covering me with a blanket as he switched on a movie. I feel asleep quick.


"Pizza's here!" Mrs. Inko yelled, waking me up.

"Stay here. I'll go grab it," Izuku said, patting my leg.

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