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Holy Fuckoli this book is growing very fast🤧

Like how the fuck are we already at 80k??? I'm screechingsbbsjdhdh

Ok so here's a chapter of facts about this book so. Have fun reading it!

Book👏 Review👏:

1. Yagi was actually supposed to be a boy, but I figured it would be easier to write about a girl.

2. She was actually supposed to be bi, but I'm saving that for a different character😉

3.When Yagi was supposed to be a boy, I was going to put her with either momo or Jiro.

4. At first, this story was supposed to be a Todoroki x All Mights Daughter, and even in the middle of the story I almost changed it to Kirishima. But I like Deku🤗

5. This book was actually supposed to be a regular x reader, but I thought being All Mights Daughter was dope.

6. In the early stages of this book, I didn't even think of making Yagi quirkless, until I saw how op she was lol.

7. I wrote the very first chapter of this book on July 5, 2018 at 5am lol idk how I remember that.

8. None of my family knows about this book or about Wattpad lol so the only person I can freak out about to is Sophia (aka the one who hates anime)

9. I was actually going to do this book in Izuku's POV and add Yagi in, but decided against it.

10. In the future, there will be ppl who get in between Yagi and Izuku so they're not gonna be rushed any time soon lmao

11. I based Yagi's personality and coping abilities solely on me. I deal with problems by shutting the people I care about out so I don't drag them done with me and I don't have much confidence in anything I do. Im getting better about it tho🤗 and maybe Yagi will to?

12. Yagi, originally, was supposed to go to the training camp and practice controlling her quirks, then would eventually get captured, along with Katsuki.

13. I had a really awkward scene written of Yagi at the training camp. She saves Kota when he falls off the separation wall of the hot springs but it's just an awkward 10 seconds and she has to make it out with her eyes closed. Eventually Aizawa helps her out. Ahhh memories.

14. I actually planned a kiss scene earlier in this book, but it got demoted to a day dream (y'all know which one I'm talking about)

15. At first, before even thinking of doing this book, I thought "what if a little girl was experimented on by villains but the heroes saved her?" And that was my first idea ever about even trying to write a book, but then Eri came along lol.

16.. Yagi was supposed to be best friends with Denki, then get a crush on Izuku, but Izuku just seemed like such a cute bb pure cinnamon roll I could leave without a best friend.

17. From many of the "Izuku x reader" books I've read, they all make Uraraka get jealous of the reader and make them hate each other, but I couldn't do that. Uraraka's too pure.

18. A couple chapters ago (well not a couple maybe like 20) I was very close to making Yagi a vigilante.

19. Whenever the league of villains shows up again (I already know but don't wanna spoil anything for the non-manga readers) that will be the first time Yagi has seen them since the Training Camp and I have a pretty good scene written up for that.

20. And last but not least......
In a tiny, itty bitty notebook beside my bed, and inside my nightstand drawer I have pages and pages of notes and scenes written out for everything that will happen in season 4. I'm just waiting to make them into actual chapters. Hehe.

THATS ALL I GOT! Hope you enjoyed! Love you guys, you're the best! Thx for 80k reads! That insane! I'll get back to y'all once I figure out an idea for a new chapter👏👏

I start school tmw and I wanna fucking die.

Ok bye bye


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