days of gloom

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|Edited| - (9/28/19)

chapter 35:
days of gloom

No ones POV

As that Monday rolled around, all seemed gloomy. The vast, wide gates of UA seemed significantly smaller. The faces of the once lively Class 1A were a permanent mixture of sadness and confusion.

While the morning began, more and more students filed into the classroom. As each person entered, it all fell more and more silent. Only their eyes spoke as they exchanged worried looks. Aizawa entered the classroom.

"Welcome back. I hope you internships went well..." Aizawa trailed off. Of course 1A tuned him out.

Their minds were fogged with the lingering thoughts of their classmate as they had been for the last day or two. Upon looking at the class, Aizawa sighed, snapping his fingers to grab the full attention of the class.

"The recent disappearance of Yagi is well known throughout the class by now, possibly even the school. To confirm any suspicions or rumors, I'll tell you all I know. Yagi...she is now a villain. She's apart of the League of Villains to be exact—a member. We will most likely encounter her in the future. Prepare yourselves, for what you've seen up to this point is no where near her true, full strength," Aizawa explained, pacing the front of the room.

"But, Mr. Aizawa, She can't control our quirks. How can she be so powerful?" Kirishima asked, a tiny bit of red still visible from tearing up.

"Yes. But, she's still gaining quirks. For all we know, she could gain her mother's at any second," Aizawa said, shuddering a bit to his students' notice.

"What's her mother's quirk?" Ochaco asked, sniffling.

"Her quirk is called...Demon's Chance. It doesn't awaken when you're of age, but when you fight for someone you hold close to your heart—someone you love, in only the most desperate of times. The abilities strengthen with each user," Aizawa explained to the shocked students.

"Fighting for someone," Mina mumbled inaudibly, her eyes glistening with salty tears.

"What do we do? Can we save her again?" Kaminari asked.

"We can't. It was her own free will. We don't have the right to force her," Aizawa explained, a hint of sadness hidden in his tired, lazy voice.

"But when she left she said she was doing everything in less than an hour. She was crying too. What did she mean?" Iida questioned, his index and thumb resting on his chin, the white lights in the classroom creating a bright glare on the lenses his glasses.

As the class discussed, it soon became time to meet with All Might's for rescue training.

Your POV

As the sun peaked into the dusty, old room, I blinked in hopes of waking up in my old room.

Sadly, I was met with broken wood floorboards and a musky smell in the air. I sat up in the scratchy blankets, sighing in disappointment.

Closing my eyes, I went down memory lane, thinking of the peaceful Mustafu I was living in just yesterday.

I wonder if Dad read the letter yet?

I thought to myself before rubbing my eyes out of their tired state and walking out of the cold room, getting a start to my day.


Izuku's POV

Before I knew it, it was the end of the day. I decided to walk home today, not wanting to socialize. My mind was still on her. It never really was off of her at this point.

Walking to (Y/N)'s apartment, I fully looked at the ground until I made it upstairs, right across from my own apartment. Getting the spare key she gave me, I unlocked the door, letting myself in. I scanned the room for any sign of her.

I looked around for any sign of movement and suddenly spotted a note on the kitchen counter.

Locking the door, I walked over to it, picking it up and reading it. As I read it, I dropped my book bag, immediately sprinting back to UA.

I need to show All Might.

I thought as I raced to the school, quickly scanning my ID card and running inside.

I ran to his office, immediately opening his door, startling him a bit.

"Oh, Young Midoriya. What's the matter?" He asked, seeing the concern in my flushed face.

"It's (Y/n)! She left you a letter!" I said, urgency clear in my voice.

After reading it, he turned to me, swallowing hard.

"I'm not sure what's this means, but you should keep it for now, and don't tell anyone else. It may come in handy," He hinted, causing me to raise a suspicious eyebrow. I walked out of the building, making my way back towards the apartment complex.

I couldn't help but wonder what she was doing.

I had yet to wrap my head around the reason she left. There was no way she left to become a villain.

It couldn't be possible.

She was a true born hero.

The daughter of the number one hero himself.

Not to mention, I knew her personally.

She wouldn't do that, she doesn't have the evil in her that villains do where they could just go and kill kids like it was nothing.

Missing her was an understatement. It was like a piece of my life was gone. Nothing seemed as vibrant or beautiful like her. I didn't know what to do—how to act. She had always been by my side for as long as I could remember. She was ripped from my grasp before I could even think of catching her.

I wasn't there to stop her. I should've taken more action. I just stood by, tearing up and watching as my best friend left without a word of context.

I left her falling.

And I worried if I could ever help her back to her feet.

I hoped and prayed that I could fix my mistakes when I saw her next, but I had no clue when that would be.

I decided I would figure out a plan at the training camp the next week.

I wished she'd just show up, but I knew that wouldn't happen, especially with the camp's bumped up security.

Little did I wish would come true.


chapter 35:
word count: 1053

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