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|Edited| - (8/6/19)

chapter 29:

Your POV

I woke up to the familiar smell of antiseptic and blinding, bright white lights shining in my face. I groggily sat up, looking down to see my breasts only covered with medical tape and nothing else besides the P.E jacket draped over my shoulders. I blushed, slipping the jacket on. I hissed in pain as my sore arms zipped it up.

I looked over at the nightstand and spotted my phone. Quickly, I grabbed it, scrolling through the notifications. I spotted a familiar name next to a voicemail. I stared at it quizzically before playing it.

"Hey (y/n) it's Iida. I don't want to frighten you, but I'm at Hosu hospital. Mom called me and told me something's wrong with Tensei-."

Before I heard anymore of his out of breath voicemail, I rushed to the door and bolted out of the room.

Tensei's hurt. He's in the hospital. Shit. Please...no.

I thought to myself as I ran down the sleek, clean halls of the hospital.

The hospital he's at is most likely far, but I could care less.

I thought to myself.

"Yagi!!" I heard yelling and footsteps behind me, but I ignored them until a bandage wrapped around me, telling me my over-protective Uncle was among them.

I fell on the ground and looked up at him as he lectured me.

"Where the hell do you think you're going? You just fought Todoroki and Bakugo back to back! You need to rest!" Uncle Aizawa said and I looked up at the class's worried faces.

"No! Tensei's hurt! I need to see him alright? I'm fine anyways. I'm not dead am I?" I snapped, still worried about Tensei.

"You do know I can't let you go," He said and I nodded.

"When have I ever asked for your consent?" I retorted and immediately burned through his binding bandages.

I ran through the hospital doors, once again ignoring the calls of my classmates.

No ones POV

"She's gonna be the death of me." Aizawa said gloomily as Mina pats his back.

"Why is she so close to this 'Tensei' guy?" Tsu asked.

"Well, they've been close ever since she was little. She's always looked up to him and he helped her through a lot. She admires him and he's like an uncle to her. One of your mothers is  actually her godmother, but I'm not sure who," Aizawa explained to the shocked class.

"One of our mothers is her godmother? Who is it?" Mina asked and Aizawa shrugged his shoulders.

"I told you I have no clue," He said flatly.

"WHERE IS SHE!?" Recovery Girl yelled, running out of the previously closed door.

"She left," Aizawa sighed lazily, pointing in the direction Yagi fled.

"She has severe burns from both Todoroki and Bakugo! You know those boys are strong and they punched her an awful lot! She broke and cracked some ribs because of it! You are lucky she had a high pain tolerance! If it was a normal person they would be only ground, not running away!!!" Recovery Girl ranted, her face flushed red in frustration.

"They cracked her ribs?! Wait! She's running around with cracked ribs?!" Kamanari asked, stunned.

"And severe burns!!" Recovery Girl added, still fuming.

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