fallen smiles: headcanons!

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Here's some headcanons that I've had in mind for this story. If you don't like any of them, or if they appear as an inconvenience to you, please feel free to change them.💕

I'll put a "C " next to the headcanons that will definitely play a part in the story.


1. Yagi steals the class's sweatshirts and wears them all the time.

2. Yagi buys the class's hero merch and wears it proudly. Yes, even Grape Juice's. C

3. Kaminari, Sero, and Yagi have a group chat where they send memes, vine quotes, and ironic tik toks to each other.

4. Yagi has a hilarious sense of humor, even though she rarely smiles or laughs. C

5. The class sometimes makes YouTube videos to get closer to their fans and the public.

6. Yagi and Izuku dance (Yagi's a lot better than him tho), sing, and can play a lot of instruments.

7. Yagi has very long hair that reaches to about her knees. C (this is pretty important to the story. I finally decided to do it bois hehe.)

8. Yagi doesn't have a gag reflux. (im just gonna sit and wait for the dirty comments. i did this to myself.)

9. The girls force Yagi into make up and give her make overs often.

10. Tsukauchi has given Yagi a shot of alcohol once. That's why he's the "cool uncle."

11. Yagi and Izuku's hero outfits have been mixed up many times in the past. They often accidentally grab the other's brief case instead of their own. Perhaps their brief cases are just too close together? C

12. Yagi has bad eyesight. It's a drawback from when she had Aizawa's quirk.

13. Yagi writes some bomb ass songs.

14. Yagi goes to red carpets with her father for openings, movies, etc.

15. Yagi can't bake to save her life.

16. Yagi can't do a cartwheel.

17. Yagi is the only one out of her whole class who can speak fluent English as well as Japanese.

18.  Yagi is always thinking of new ships while daydreaming in class. She ships Kamijiro a little too hard.

19. Yagi is super self conscious and doesn't have a lot of confidence.

20. Yagi hates the beach. She hates how that sand get everywhere, and she doesn't like to show off her body in bathing suits.

21. Yagi knows all the lyrics to "Mia Khalifa" by heart. (as do i)

22. Yagi is subbed to Pewdiepie.  (as am i.)


That's all the headcanons I have for you guys today! I might post some "!Extra" chapters soon because season 4 chapters are rly ducking hard to make lmao. Sorry about that. Okay, I'll see you guys in the next update! Bye~


The next "!Extra" chapter is going to be:

"Yagi reading thirst tweets about her and her classmates."

This is gonna be way too much fucking fun. Thx tumblr, in advance.

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