the battle of the two prodigies

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chapter 27:
the battle of the two prodigies

No one's POV

As soon as Present Mic announced to go, Todoroki wasted no time in shooting his ice at Yagi. Soon she was already frozen in the middle of the battlefield.

"Is this already the end!?" Present Mic shouted and Class 1A looked down at the field, concern and worry written all over their faces.

"C'mon, Yagi," Uraraka said, biting her lip anxiously.

"Yagi, cannot move! Todorok-" Midnight started, but was interrupted by a huge blue flame. Wind gusted everywhere, blowing the crowd's hair back.

"Yagi comes back stronger than ever!" Present Mic shouted.

"She did it!" Iida said clapping.

Todoroki activates his quirk, firing more ice at Yagi. She almost no time to analyze the situation and panicked.

Shit. What do I do?

She thought to herself. Acid began to burn through her shoes.

Its happening again...

She said in her head.

Whoever is helping me right, thank you!

Yagi focused on the acid, forcing more to flow out as she skated in the ice, her feet skating as if in an ice ring. The ice began to melt under her gliding feet.

She flipped over Todoroki, using an explosion in the air to guide herself. Yagi did it so fast Todoroki doesn't see her. Yagi ended up behind Todoroki midair. She took imitative and kicked the middle of his back. Todoroki, being startled by this, activated his fire quirk.

He grunted, glaring at Yagi as he punched jet in the stomach, sending her back a few feet. Blood slid down her chin as she coughed. She wiped the blood off her mouth and started a small flame on her left shoulder, barley noticeable to the naked eye.

Yagi bolted over to Todoroki. He tried to kick her, but she grabbed his leg and attempted to throw him out of the ring. He used his ice to stop himself from flying out of the ring. Not seconds later, Todoroki sent a huge mass of ice towards Yagi, desperate to send her out of the ring. In a panic, Yagi powered up her finger with One For All, flicking the ice. It shattered, sending icicles everywhere.


Yagi thought to herself as she created ice below her, skating towards Todoroki at full speed. He sent even more ice than before. It shot across the stadium, heading for the young girl. Just inches from her face, the ice came in contact with her flames, melting before her eyes.

If looks could kill, this battle would be the death of many. Todoroki and Yagi both glared at each other every chance they got. They were beaten up, panting like dogs. Everyone knew this battle would end soon.

Starting their fires, they jumped at each other.

This final move would end their match.

Who would win?

It was the number one hero v.s the number two hero. Reeling their fire enveloped fists back, they collided.

All the ice left in the ring dispersed to the stands in small, hail-like pieces. The quick temperature change caused a huge explosion, sending even more wind and dirt than before along with a huge cloud of dust. The crowd looked down at the field. Their eyes held anticipation as they looked for the winner.

As the thick cloud of dust subsides, it revealed...

Todoroki and Yagi, both still standing.

Todoroki's shirt was burnt off on the left side, and Yagi was left in her sports bra. The crowd gasped. They didn't expect them both to be still standing after the amount of wind and ice blowing around the stadium.

They stared at each other, trying to catch their breath. One fell on their knees, then on their stomach and passed out out. Not moments later, the other fell on their back.

"The winner is...

(Y/N) Yagi from the hero course!" Midnight announced, and the crowd cheered louder than ever.

"She did it! She really did it!" Kaminari cheered and the rest of the class cheered with him.

"We will now take a moment to clear the field. Then we will have the final fight of the tournament! Yagi v.s Bakugo!" Present Mic shouted as Todoroki and Yagi were wheeled off to the infirmary.


Your POV

As I was wheeled off to the infirmary, I was forced to rethink the battle.

How I could've lost.

Another, more efficient way I could've won.

And something that had been bothering me this whole time.

Something that I've been neglecting for a long time because I'm scared of what it could be.

That voice, that woman. It was stressing me out. I didn't even have a clue who the woman was. Her words began to fog after a while. Was she the one who helped me with my quirks?

"Yagi!" I heard just before most of the class bursted through the door.

"That. Was. Awesome!" Sparky and Mina said in sync.

"Thank you," I said to them.

"You scared me!" Uraraka whined.

"Yea me too! I thought you were gonna be frozen and you were gonna lose!" Hagakure said.

"Sorry, it was just an unexpected move, although I really should've expected it from Todoroki," I said.

"Will you please escort yourselves? Yagi needs to rest up before her final fight against Bakugo," Granny Chiyo explained as the class nodded their head in understanding, leaving me in the room alone.

Soon after, I heard a soft knock at the door.

"Come in," I said as the door opened, revealing my best friend and Dad.

"How ya feeling' kiddo?" Dad asked, sitting beside my bed as Izuku took the chair on the other side.

"Mostly better. Now I'm just nervous," I said.

"You've got nothing to worry about, sweet pea. You did great against Young Todoroki and you're gonna do great against Young Bakugo."


Izuku and Dad began to talk amongst themselves. I looked down at my hand, almost in a daze.

"(Y/n)? Hello?" Izuku asked, snapping his finger in front of my face, waking me up from my trance. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Got something on your mind, kiddo?" Dad asked, concern plastered on his face.

"Well..." I began. "No...nothing I'm just thinking about the upcoming battle." Dad and Izuku bought my lie, going back to their own conversation.

I definitely wasn't thinking about the battle. How could I? With everything that had been happening...the quirks, my injuries, the voice.

That was all that was ever on my mind. Who the hell was that? And...why would they want to help me?


chapter 27:
word count: 1106

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