Chapter Six.

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“I gotta love you and leave you,” George smiled as he walked into the lounge, kissing me on my forehead as I sat talking to Chloe. “I’ll be back on Tuesday.”

“Two days without each other?” Chloe asked. “However will you cope?”

“We won’t,” I grinned.

“She’ll miss me,” George laughed, kissing me again.

“You’ll miss me too,” I smiled, turning around to kiss him properly.

“I always miss you,” he joked. “When you walk out of the room it’s like a piece of me is missing, like someone has taken my arm from me and thrown it into an ocean.”

“Oh please,” Chloe laughed, pretending to gag.

“Single pringle is getting jealous,” I joked.

“I. Love. You,” George said in between kisses.

“Bye,” I smiled as he kissed me one last time.

“Go!” Chloe ordered, pointing to the door.

“Excuse me, who lives here?” George joked.

“Lily,” Chloe smiled, stroking Lily as she slept in between mine and Chloe’s legs. “And for the next two days, me.”

“Love you,” George whispered to me before going into the hallway.

“George,” I said, getting up off the sofa.


Before I had chance to tell him what, I wrapped my arms around him and gave him the biggest kiss possible.

“Now you can go,” I smiled as I sat back down on the sofa.


“How much did you have to drink?” Chloe cackled as she held my hair back as I threw up in the toilet.

“That’s the thing,” I said, throwing up again. “I didn’t drink any alcohol last night.”

“What about the bottle of wine?” she asked, rubbing my back as I threw up one last time.

“You had it all,” I said, flushing the toilet as I sat back and leant against the bath. “I stuck to coffee.”


I turned to look at Chloe as she sat on the edge of the bath, looking down at me with a concerned look on her face.

“Do you think you could be pregnant?”

I laughed at her. “Don’t be silly.”

“I’m being serious,” she said, looking as serious as she sounded.

“No,” I laughed again, standing up to wash my face. “We’re careful.”

“It doesn’t matter how careful you are.”

“Don’t be so silly,” I smiled. “Do you fancy going shopping today?”


“I really want a new dress,” I said, walking into my bedroom, ignoring Chloe completely.


“George said he’d take me out for my birthday when he gets back from this gig with the boys,” I smiled, looking through my wardrobe, not even paying attention to any of the clothes that were flicking past my eyes.



“I really think you should take a test.”

“I’m not pregnant, okay?” I said sternly, walking back into the bathroom to put some make-up on.

“Sammy,” she said as she walked into the bathroom and stood leaning against the doorway. “If you’re so sure that you’re not pregnant, why won’t you take a test?”

As I put some lip gloss on my lips, I looked at my reflection in the mirror and then at Chloe in the mirror, who was still looking at me with a alarmed look on her face. I turned around and looked her straight in the eyes. “Why?” I asked. “Because what if I am?”


Although I was browsing through the dresses in Topshop, I wasn’t paying any attention to anything - not even the fact that Union J were playing on the radio. “Right, if you stay in here,” Chloe whispered to me. “I’ll go and buy a test so you don’t get papped - that’s the last thing you need right now.”

“Chloe,” I said as she began to walk out the shop, leaving me by myself. “Thank-you.”

“Hey,” she smiled. “What are best friends for?”

As Chloe walked out of the shop, I stood pretending to be interested in the dresses. A group of fans approached me as I attempted to look like I was busy.

“Happy birthday!” they all grinned to me.

“Thanks,” I smiled.

Posing for a photo with them, I faked a smile although inside I was screaming. I stood talking with them for a while until Chloe popped her head around the corner, holding a paper bag.

“I’m so sorry girls but I have to go,” I smiled. “It was lovely meeting you though.”

Before they had chance to say anything back, I had rushed off towards Chloe.

“Got it?” I asked.

“Yes,” she smiled, interlinking her arm through mine. “It’ll be fine

“I’ll get Ken to come get us then,” I said, stopping to get my phone out of my bag.

“No,” Chloe said, pulling me along Oxford Street. “It can’t wait.”

I rolled my eyes, knowing how stubborn Chloe was; there was no way I was winning this battle. Chloe dragged me all the way down to the other side of Oxford Street and into a random department store. As she continued to pull me behind her, we dodged our way through the shoppers and made our way to the elevators at the back.

“Chloe,” I whispered. “I’m not doing it here.”

Chloe looked at me as we waited for the elevator.

“Fine,” she smiled. “Call Ken.”

All the way back to mine and George’s apartment, I stayed silent while Chloe made small talk with Ken about the weather and his plans for Christmas. 

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