Chapter Thirty-Three.

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“I’ll be back before you know it,” he smiled as he pulled his suitcase out of the bedroom and down the corridor.

“It’s not the same though,” I sighed, getting up from the bed where I had been sat for the last hour watching him pack for the tour. “I’m gonna be so bored without you.”

“Same,” he said as he walked back into the bedroom.

“Don’t lie,” I laughed. “You’re gonna have so much fun with the boys.”

“I was trying to make you feel better,” he grinned, taking hold of my hand and looking into my eyes. “You know I’m gonna miss you like crazy though, regardless of how much fun I have with the boys.”

I looked at him unconvinced. The whole scenario with Rio from last night was still on my mind – I had no idea how to bring the conversation up to ask him about it. I didn’t even know if I wanted to know, especially with him going away on tour. I decided to leave it until after the tour.

“I’ve gotta go,” he said after a car horn beeped from outside the apartment block. “I’ll ring you later, okay?”

Hesitantly, I nodded.

“I love you,” he smiled, kissing my forehead.

“Love you,” I said, determining whether or not he actually loved me from what I had overheard Rio say to him yesterday.

“Just think about what I said last night,” he grinned, before pulling his suitcase down the corridor towards the front door.

“Don’t worry,” I mumbled. “I am.”

As he opened the front door, he turned around to look at me. Standing, leaning against the wall, I looked back at him. “I love you,” he mouthed to me.

I smiled and pouted my lips together as if to blow him a kiss through the air.

Catching the air kiss with his hand, he took one more look at me before walking out the door and shutting it behind him.

“I love you too.”


“So you think he’s cheating on you with this Rio?” Chloe asked me as we walked over to a table in the club.

I shuffled across the sofa and placed my cocktail on the table before turning to face Chloe as she sat down next to me. “I’m not sure what to think,” I said, sipping on my cocktail.

“Like you said though, even George said she’s just a crazed fan. She’s probably just trying to stir shit between you two to break you two up so she can get her claws into him,” Chloe smiled.

I took hold of the cocktail stick from the side of the cocktail glass and started poking the cherry that was floating around the drink. “What if it’s true though?” I asked her, saying my thoughts out loud. “He seemed panicky when he came back into the living room to see me awake and did that nervous laugh he always does when he doesn’t know what to say in case he says the wrong thing, which means he was obviously hiding something from me. Why would he want to start planning the wedding now when he said himself just weeks ago when he proposed that we have years ahead of us before we have to even think about it? It just doesn’t make sense. It’s like he has something to hide so he’s distracting me with wedding plans.”

Chloe began to laugh at me. “Sammy,” she grinned. “Stop overthinking things.”

“No, but what if I’m right?” I asked. “If I’m wrong, then I’m wrong.. but what if I am right and he is having a fling with this Rio girl?”

Chloe looked at me, laughing still. “You’re seriously thinking too much into it. He loves you,” she smiled. “He probably want to bring the wedding forward because he loves you so much and doesn’t see the point in waiting when you’re both gonna feel the same way about each other in a few years like you feel about each other now.”

“Probably?” I said. “Probably means there’s a chance that there is another reason.”

“Fine,” Chloe said sternly. “The reason why he wants to bring the wedding forward is because he loves you more than he loves anything in the whole world and doesn’t see the point in waiting.”

As I sat contemplating what to do, two males approached us. “Hey ladies, can we get you a drink?” the tall, blonde one asked.

I looked at Chloe as she grinned away at them. “Two pinã coladas please,” she smiled flirtatiously.

Whilst they rushed over to the busy bar, I looked at her in confusion. “Chloe..”

“What?” she winked. “Who said the other drink was for you?”

“You’re such a player,” I laughed, sipping my cocktail.

She looked at me, still grinning. “You’ve got George. I’m lonely and not gonna turn away a free drink for us both just because you’re taken.”

“Engaged,” I giggled, lifting up my finger, showing her my engagement ring to remind her.

“Put it away,” she hushed as the two strangers returned to the table. “We might get another round if you don’t mention it.”

I looked at her, laughing at her determination to not buy any drinks all night.

“So girls, you look familiar,” the tall, brown haired male smiled to us as they both sat opposite us.

“She was on the X Factor two years ago,” Chloe grinned proudly, pointing to me as I began to drink the new cocktail. “And I’m just her sidekick everywhere.”

“Sammy Jones, right?” the brown haired one beamed to me. “I’m Sean.”

“Hey,” I smiled, taking no notice in what he had just said to me.

“So what do they call you then?” the blonde haired one asked Chloe. “Apart from beautiful.”

I almost had to hold my gag reflex at his cringey attempt at a chat up line.


I looked at her in disbelief. How could she actually fall for that floppy line?

“So Sammy,” Sean grinned to me, leaning closer to me over the table. “How come I’ve never seen you in here before?”

I looked back at Chloe as she sat looking at the blonde haired one, close to dribbling. “My fiancé and I don’t really like to venture out to nightclubs much.”

His face dropped as soon as I said it. It took all my energy to stop myself from laughing at his reaction. “Oh yeah, you’re engaged to that guy in that band,” the blonde haired one blurted out, breaking his ogling session over Chloe.

“Yeah,” I smiled, finishing the cocktail. “Talking of the love of my life, I’d better go ring him.”

Placing the cherry from the glass into my mouth, I grinned at Sean as he sat staring at me. “I’ll ring you later,” Chloe grinned before returning back to talking to the blonde stranger.

“Bye Sean,” I smiled politely to him as I grabbed my jacket from behind me as I stood up. “It was lovely to meet you. We should do this again sometime?”

He didn’t reply – just sat gormlessly looking into space, trying to avoid his embarrassment. I walked off out of the club, giggling to myself.


The second I got up the steps out of the club and into the raining and busy street of London’s night life, I grabbed my phone from my clutch and dialled George’s number.

“Hello,” George said, answering immediately.



“Let’s do it.”

“Really? Like.. really?”

“Yes. Why wait?” I grinned to myself in the middle of the street as the rain pelted down onto my bare shoulders.

“I love you.”

“I love you more.”

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