Chapter Thirty-Five.

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Another two weeks had passed and now the date of the wedding was dawning quickly – only 21 days to go. Instead of the usual hen night out, I’d opted for a spa weekend with the closest females that I had to me. Altogether there was seven of us – me, Kate, Kayla, mum, Chloe, Lisa and Rachel (Chloe’s mum). Usually brides have a huge night out with all their friends, but I’d rather spend a weekend getting pampered with my family.

“I remember my hen night,” Kayla grinned as we stood at reception, waiting to check into the spa hotel.

“Remember?” mum asked. “You were so drunk you couldn’t even remember your own name.”

Kayla stood laughing with mum. “I remember from photos,” she grinned. “That counts doesn’t it?” I shook my head as Kayla looked at me. “Oh,” Kayla laughed awkwardly. “You’re the sensible one in the family though, Sammy.”

“Sensible?” Chloe asked. “She’s far from sensible.”

“What?” I said, looking at her confused.

“I’m joking,” she grinned. “You’re so sensible. I mean, you’re settling down with the first boy you fall in love with.”

“First?” I asked. “He’s gonna be the only one I fall in love with.”

“You never know what the future holds though,” Chloe said.

I looked at her. “Chloe,” I grinned. “We’re not even married yet and you’re already talking about me and George getting divorced.”

“Chloe,” Rachel said. “Please shut up and stop putting false ideas into poor Sammy’s head.”

 “I’m just saying,” Chloe smiled. “50% of marriages end in divorce.”

“Sammy,” Rachel laughed. “Don’t listen to her. I have been married to Chloe’s father for twenty five years and we’re still both extremely happy.”

“I’m not worried,” I grinned as I signed a form that the receptionist gave to me. “I love him and he loves me – that’s all that matters, right?”

“You’re right,” mum smiled.


After checking into the hotel and finally finding the rooms, we all headed down to the spa for our massage booked in for 3pm. “You’ve been quiet since we got here,” mum smiled to me. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

I looked at her and nodded. “It’s just unreal that this is all happening so fast.”

“You know George will understand if you want to slow it down,” mum said, putting her arm around my shoulders and pulling me in closer as we walked down the steps and into the spa’s entrance.

“I know,” I smiled. “But I don’t want that.”

“What do you want, honey?” mum asked me, pulling me to the side as everyone else rushed into the spa.

“What do I want?” I sighed. “I want dad to be here. I want granddad to be here. I want granny to be here. I want them all to be here.”

Mum sat me down on a bench beside the entrance to the spa and smiled at me. “I know you do. I want them to be here and I know for sure that they want to be here just as much as you want them here. But Sammy,” she began. “Sammy, you’ve got to remember that they might not be with you in person, but they’re always gonna be with you in your heart and memories.”

“But I don’t want them in my heart,” I paused. “I want them here with me.”

Mum wrapped her arms around me as she knew that within a few seconds I’d start to get emotional. “I know,” she whispered. “If I could bring them back, I would.”


Once we’d finished our meals, we all began to walk down the corridor from the hotel’s restaurant to the bar.

“Tonight has been lovely,” I grinned to mum as she smiled at me.

“It’s only just started,” Chloe beamed, wrapping her arms around my shoulders as she walked behind me.

“I know I’m going to sound old but I’m nearly ready for bed,” Rachel joked.

“Snap,” Lisa laughed. “I’m not twenty years-old anymore like you girls.”

“Time to hit the hay I think,” mum smiled to me.

“You three go to bed then,” Kate grinned. “Us young ‘ens are going to be partying it up for the next few hours, aren’t we girls?”

Even though I was shattered and could do with getting an early night, I nodded in agreement. “I’m going to just go back to the hotel room though,” I smiled.

Kate, Kayla and Chloe walked into the bar as I began to make my way down the corridor with Lisa, mum and Rachel towards the elevators to the rooms.

As mum, Lisa and Rachel discussed tonight’s food, I stood in the elevator in silence.

“Night,” mum shouted after me as I rushed down the corridor towards the hotel rooms.

“Night,” I grinned, turning round to see all three of them stood outside the elevator still talking.

Opening the door to mine and Chloe’s hotel room, I noticed an envelope on the bed that wasn’t there before we headed down to the hotel’s restaurant just three hours ago. I walked over to it and picked it up, grinning to myself as to how perfect this weekend was going. As I sat down on the bed, my phone began to buzz in my hand. George’s name flashed up on the screen with a picture of us in the background.

“Hello,” I grinned as I answered the phone and put it to my ear.

There was no reply.

“Hello?” I said, looking confused as to why there wasn’t any reply.

Again, there was still no reply.

“George?” I asked. “Are you there?”

Yet again, there was still no reply.

“Hello. George, are you actually going to..”

Before I had chance to finish what I was saying, the phone line cut dead. Lifting the phone away from my ear, my phone’s screen went black, as if it had ran out of charge. I shrugged my shoulders and threw the phone behind me onto the bed that me and Chloe would be sharing later on in the night. Still grinning to myself, I opened up the envelope. 

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