Chapter Sixty-Six.

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“George,” I called, feeling around the bed in the darkness to find out I was all alone.

“George,” I called again – this time fully awake – as I sat up in bed.

There was no reply. Getting out of bed, I wandered over to the Moses basket on the dressing table where Katy was fast asleep. Peering over the side, I couldn’t help but smile as I watched her eyes flicker gently as she slept, clenching her tiny fist. I stood over her, watching as she peacefully slept, for a few more moments. After a while, a hand appeared around my waist.

“She’s perfect, isn’t she?” George whispered to me as he hugged me from behind.

As soon as he finished his sentence, Katy woke up and began to cry. “Yeah, perfect,” I laughed as I reached over the side and picked her up.

“That’s a ‘happy birthday mummy’ cry,” George joked to me as he kissed Katy. “Isn’t it beautiful?”

“Oh yeah,” I grinned as I held Katy close to my body, trying to rock her gently from side-to-side in an attempt to stop her from crying.


“She’s back asleep,” I smiled to George as I walked into the lounge and slouched down onto the sofa.

“Good because I’ve got a surprise for you,” he grinned as he moved closer towards me.

“No,” I said, pushing him away. “Don’t get me wrong but I’m really not in the mood after having given birth just over a week ago.”

“Oh no,” he laughed. “I didn’t mean that at all.”

“What did you mean then?” I asked.

George paused for a second before reaching down the side of the sofa and pulling out a bag. “You have four hours to make yourself look gorgeous before people get here.”

“What?” I asked, looking at him in confusion as he handed the bag to me.

“You didn’t think we wouldn’t celebrate your 21st birthday properly, did you?” he grinned to me. “Go get a bath and chill out.”

I looked at him, still with a confused expression on my face. Without saying anything though, I got up from the sofa and walked into the bedroom, making sure I didn’t awake Katy as I walked into the bathroom. Closing the bathroom door, I hung the bag on the handle without opening it up to even catch a sneaky glimpse of what was inside it.


“You look amazing,” George grinned to me as I walked out of the bathroom with all my hair and make-up done.

“I’m really working this dressing gown, right?” I laughed.

“Haven’t you opened the bag yet?” George asked as he caught sight of the unopened bag in my hand.

I sat down on the bed. “I was just about to do it,” I smiled.

George carried Katy out of the bedroom as I slipped my hand into the bag. Pulling out the contents of the bag, I realised it was a brand new dress. As I held it up and admired it, I couldn’t even begin to describe how gorgeous it was. It was a deep purple strapless dress with diamante around the top. Luckily it was a flowing dress so it would fit me, regardless of my shrinking baby bump.

After quickly getting into it, I stood in front of the mirror, staring at it in my reflection. “You’ve got amazing taste,” I grinned to George as he walked back into the bedroom, wearing a purple shirt and black jeans.

“Look,” George laughed, holding Katy out to me. “Your daughter matches you now.”

He had dressed Katy in a purple babygro that was the same shade as my dress. “She looks so cute,” I giggled as I held onto her.

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