Chapter Fifty-Two.

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“I can’t think of any other way that I’d wanna spend my birthday,” George grinned to me as we laid next to each other on the sofa.

“I can think of better ways to spend a birthday than watching crappy movies on television and talking to a baby that can’t even hear us yet.”

“The movies may be crap but I meant I can’t think of any other way that I’d wanna spend my birthday than doing absolutely nothing all morning with you,” he laughed. “Anyway, the midwife said our baby can hear us now.”

“They won’t understand a thing we say though,” I smiled, moving my finger over my bump in a circular motion.

“The baby book said it’s good to talk to the baby though so it gets attached to our voices,” George smiled, lifting the book off the coffee table that he’d bought a week after we found out I was pregnant and kept referring to it ever since.

“That book is ruining my life,” I laughed. “Stop reading it or I’ll whack you with it.”

“It’s useful though,” George grinned, plonking it back on the coffee table and putting his arm back on my bump.

“Hiya baby,” I giggled as I stroked my bump and George’s arm at the same time. “This is your daddy. He’s insane but don’t worry, you’ll learn to ignore him like I have.”

“Hi baby. Daddy speaking,” George joked as he held me tighter. “That’s your mummy. She’s just talking rubbish. I’m not insane. It’s just because I love you two so much that I may seem insane. I’m crazy in love.”

“Oh and baby,” I paused. “Your daddy also thinks we’re Beyoncé and Jay-Z so you’ll have to ignore his Beyoncé and Jay-Z puns. He’s not funny at all.”

“We are Beyoncé and Jay-Z,” George joked.

“No, we’re not,” I grinned, putting my hands over my face.

“Agree or you’ll be a single lady,” George laughed, gently biting my shoulder.

I lifted his arm up and got up off the sofa. Placing one hand on my bump, I stood in the middle of the lounge and looked down at George, who was still lying on the sofa, looking up at me. “Baby boy, I would agree but I’m not a beautiful liar or a naughty girl. If I were a boy, I might check on it and tell you that we are Beyoncé and Jay-Z but you can see my Halo and that’s irreplaceable,” I grinned, trying to fit all the Beyoncé songs I could think of into a relevant sentence.

“You’re so sad,” he laughed.

“And we’re so late,” I said, noticing the time on the clock on the wall.

“What?” George asked, sitting up with a jerk.

“We’re supposed to be at the hospital in half an hour,” I said, grabbing George’s jumper off the end of the sofa.

“We’ve got plenty of time,” he grinned, grabbing my hand and pulling me down to join him back on the sofa.

“No,” I said sternly as I stood back up and dragged him up with me. “We need to go.”

“That’s my jumper, isn’t it?”

I looked down and then back at him. “Yes,” I said.

“I wanted to wear it,” George said, pulling a sad face at me.

“Well since you’re the one who got me in this position, I think I win the jumper,” I smiled, pulling the jumper down so he couldn’t even take it back off me.

“It’s like a dress on you,” George grinned as he grabbed his jacket from the door and put it on.

“It has to be,” I said, putting my hand on my bump. “You can’t see my bump in it.”

“Why don’t we just tell everyone?” he asked me. “It’d be so much easier than hiding it from everyone and since our families know, there’s nothing stopping us, is there?”

“I don’t know,” I smiled, shrugging my shoulders. “Right come on. We’re gonna be late at this rate.”

“Fine,” George grinned, grabbing his phone off the coffee table along with the car keys.


Sneaking into the hospital through the back entrance gave me such an adrenaline rush. Knowing we could have been caught by the paparazzi or even a member of the public just gave me a thrill. That thrill was soon killed though when Sheila the midwife walked into the reception area to meet us.


“God, haven’t you got big?” Sheila exclaimed as I lifted the jumper off me to reveal my baby bump that was taking so much effort to hide.

“She’s my little whale,” George joked as he helped me lie down on the hospital bed next to where Sheila was sat at the scanning machine and monitor.

“Just call me Shamu,” I smiled.

“Right Shamu,” Sheila laughed. “Has baby been kicking yet?”

I shook my head as I looked up at her from the bed. “Is it bad that they’re not kicking?” I asked as I looked at her facial expression.

“It’s completely normal,” she smiled. “Babies start to kick at different times.”

Her smile reassured me and I lied back down on the bed.

“Let’s see this baby then,” Sheila grinned to me before getting the ultrasound jelly and squirting a freezing blob onto the bottom of my bump.

As Sheila hovered the scanning thing over my bump, George grabbed hold of my hand and leaned closer towards me. We both watched the screen in anticipation. I couldn’t wait to see our baby, not our bean like the last scan showed us. The screen flickered and then an image of our baby flashed onto the screen.

“There you go,” Sheila smiled to us, turning the screen more towards us so that we had a better view. “I can tell you the sex of your baby if you want to know.”

I looked at George as he looked down at me. We both wanted to know but we both wanted to wait at the same time. “We’ll leave it as a surprise,” I smiled as I turned back to watch our baby on the screen.

“Best birthday ever,” George grinned to me, kissing my hand as we both looked at the screen.

“By the looks of it, your baby is doing really well and is healthy,” Sheila said, flicking through a file.

I sighed a sigh of relief and continued to watch our baby. 

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