Chapter Ninety-Eight.

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“You killed it,” Justin laughed to me as he wrapped his arms around me and gave me a huge hug as I ran off the stage.

“That crowd are insane,” I grinned as he spun me around. “They kept calling for this ‘Justin’ guy though?” I laughed. “No idea who he is though.”

“I’d better go find him,” he winked to me as the countdown started to fill the arena.


“You’d better hurry up,” I giggled as he leaned in to kiss me.


The second his lips touched mine, someone grabbed hold of him and dragged him away.


“You’re going to be late,” Scooter scowled to him as he dragged him through the stage structure and through the walkway, surrounded by the stage’s poles, to the platform that would lift him onto the stage in less than three seconds.


As the platform began to move upwards, Justin looked at me and grinned at me. “I love you.”


Listening to the screams that were escaping into the backstage corridors from the arena, I found myself mouthing “I love you too” back to him.

As soon as Justin disappeared onto the stage and began to sing ‘All Around The World’, I ran down the corridor to my dressing room, grinning to myself. I’d finally done it - I’d finally managed to admit to myself that I was moving on from George. As I fell back onto the chair by my dressing table in the dressing room, I kicked the door with my heel and it slammed shut. Looking at my reflection in the mirror, I realised I was smiling a genuine smile and not just a stage smile that I put on to hide my real feelings. I knew I wasn’t “in love” with Justin, but give it time and that would be a possibility. If you told me five years ago that Justin Bieber would admit he loved me before I opened up for him on his European tour, I’d have screamed like crazy; and right now all I could do was grin away to myself for the fact that I had begun to move on after three tough months of trying so hard to do it.

All of a sudden, my bag began to vibrate, interrupting my grinning session in the mirror. Rummaging through it, I finally found my phone to see Kayla was ringing me. “What’s wrong?” I laughed as I held the phone to my ear after answering the call. “If she’s refusing to sleep, just sing her some Westlife and that’ll send her off to sleep straight away with no hassle.”

“Sammy,” Kayla said, sounding panicked.

“What?” I asked, getting concerned by the tone of Kayla’s voice.

“Can you come urgently?” Kayla asked.

“Why? What’s wrong?” I asked, getting more concerned. “Is Katy okay? Is she alright?”

“Sammy, just get here as soon as possible,” Kayla demanded before hanging up the phone.

Throwing my phone back into my bag, I jumped up off the seat and collected all my belongings together. Without even thinking, I ran down the corridor towards the exit and rushed across the parking bays towards where Ken had parked the car. I was in such a rush to get back to Kayla’s to see what was going on that I was still in my outfit I was wearing to perform in in front of 20,000 people less than five minutes ago. Opening the driver’s door, I noticed Ken was stood around the side of the arena’s building with a group of security, puffing on a cigarette, talking away and not paying any attention to anything else apart from the smoke that was coming from the cigarette in his mouth. Starting the ignition, I reversed out of the parking bay and through the gates at the back of the arena that were luckily open. Racing down the street, all I could think of was all the possibilities of Kayla wanting me at hers as urgently as possible – something obviously was wrong with Katy. Putting my foot down even further on the accelerator, I dodged my way through the traffic. As I came to the end of a street, the traffic lights turned red. Slamming down on the brake, the car skidded to a halt – I felt as if I was in an action movie. I waited anxiously for the lights to change back to green; the second the lights changed to amber, I slammed my foot back down on the accelerator. Roaring through the streets of London, I managed to make it onto the ring road in record time considering it was 9pm on a Friday night in the middle of the capital city.

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