Chapter Forty-Seven.

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Walking along the moonlit promenade, I held George’s hand as the warm ocean breeze blew past us. JJ and Elle were well ahead of us, talking and holding hands as well, whilst Josh, Jaymi, Olly and Chloe were behind us, laughing and joking. We all walked into a bar and grabbed a table by the window with an amazing view of the moon shining and glistening over the calming ocean waters. We walked over to the bar and placed our orders with the barman.

“Vodka and orange,” I grinned, trying to take anymore suspicion away from my whole alcohol-free situation.

George looked at me with a puzzled look. As everyone else began to talk, I leaned over the bar. “Can you make the vodka and orange without vodka though?” I whispered.

“Sure,” the barman laughed at me, handing me a glass of ‘vodka and orange without the vodka’, so basically handing me a glass of fresh orange juice.

We sat down at the table and sipped away on our drinks talking.

“Let’s try yours,” Jaymi said to me, reaching over to grab my glass of ‘vodka and orange without the vodka’.

“No,” I panicked.

As Jaymi took a sip on my drink, his face looked alarmed as he realised it was actually just fresh orange juice. My heart began to race as I awaited for Jaymi’s verdict. He could quite easy tell everyone that I didn’t have any vodka in it at all which would make everyone suspicious, just like they were on the plane. Me and George had decided to not tell anybody about the pregnancy until the first trimester was over, and that was only another four weeks to go.

“Ah, vodka is still disgusting,” he said, smiling at me.

I could tell by the look in his eyes he had worked everything out but his smile reassured me that he was going to keep quiet. I smiled back at him and took another sip of my drink.


“I’m getting overheated,” I said as we all sat around the table talking. “I’m just gonna go outside for a bit to cool down.”

“Do you want me to come with..”

I interrupted George. “I’m fine,” I smiled, putting my hand on his shoulder as he was about to get up to follow me outside. “I’ll be back in a few minutes, I promise.”

Walking down the steps of the bar, I took some deep breaths to try to cool myself down. It wasn’t even hot in the bar; I was just getting sudden flushes of heat running through me – the uncontrollable symptom of pregnancy. Taking my heels off, I sat on the edge of the promenade and dangled my legs over the side, running my toes through the sand on the beach below.

After a few moments, I heard some footsteps before feeling a hand on my shoulder. “Sammy,” Jaymi said as he sat down beside me. “What’s going on?”

I looked at him and then out at the moon shining on the ocean.

“Come on,” he said. “I know there’s something going on. You refused to drink champagne on the flight here, George keeps asking you if you’re okay and now you’re ordering a vodka and orange without the vodka?”

“It’s nothing,” I smiled, still looking out at the ocean.

“Remember what I told you all those years ago on The X Factor?” he asked.

I nodded.


“You promised that you’d always be there for me, no matter what, like a big brother,” I smiled.

“Exactly,” he said. “So you have to tell me.”

“If I tell you, you have to promise not to tell anybody else.”

“I promise,” he smiled.

I turned to face him. “I’m pregnant again.”

“What?” he asked in shock.

“I know,” I sighed, looking back out at the ocean as the waves crashed peacefully on the shore. “When I lost that baby last November, I got told that it might be difficult to conceive for a few years. I found out at the hospital when you all made me get a check-up after the whole Rio thing.”

“That’s a good thing though?” Jaymi asked. “I thought you and George were both devastated when you lost the baby.”

“That’s the thing though,” I said. “It is a good thing. It’s an amazing thing. I feel something for this baby and I really want it – I want it so bad. I just don’t want to jinx anything as I know I could lose it just as easily as I lost the other baby.”

“Sammy, you know yourself, what happened last year was just one of them tragic things that nobody could prevent,” Jaymi explained. “Nothing you could have done would have stopped it from happening, but maybe this time it is meant to be and you are both meant to be parents.”

I shrugged my shoulders, still unconvinced.

“You’re going to make an amazing mum, Sammy,” Jaymi smiled, hugging me. “And George?” We both looked back to see George trying to balance a snooker cue on the palm of his hand. “George is going to make an amazing dad,” he laughed. “Even if he’s not really showing it at this very moment in time, he will make an amazing dad.”

“I know,” I grinned, trying not to laugh at George’s poor attempt at balancing the snooker cue.

“So this is what you’re going to do, okay,” Jaymi began. “You’re going to go back in that bar and carry on drinking your ‘vodka and orange without the vodka’ and then you’re going to take your drunken boyfriend back to the hotel and you’re going to have a good night sleep. Then tomorrow? Tomorrow we shall all have another amazing day at the beach, and we shall repeat this until we fly home in five days. Then when we get home, you’re going to enjoy every single minute of being pregnant because believe me, in however months it is until your baby is born, you are going to wish you were still pregnant.”

I laughed as I wrapped my arms around Jaymi and gave him a huge hug. “Thank-you,” I beamed.

“Thank me? No, thank you,” he grinned. “You’re the one who’s gonna be having the first Union J baby and going to be making me the bestest uncle in the whole wide world, yes?”

“Oh, definitely,” I winked.

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