Chapter Sixty-Three.

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As the doctor checked our baby over, George grinned at me. I’d never seen him look so happy. I smiled a weak smile to him and put my head back on the pillow. Our baby’s cries still filled the room but it wasn’t even annoying in the slightest – I couldn’t get over it. George squeezed my hand tightly. Looking up, I saw the midwife carrying a bundle of blankets over to me. “Here’s your daughter,” she smiled before handing me the baby in her arms.

The second I held her I knew she was mine. I shuffled over on the bed and George sat down on the bed besides me as we admired the sleeping baby girl in my arms. “She just needed her mummy that’s all,” the doctor smiled.

“We’ll leave you three to it,” the midwife grinned as her and the doctor made their way out of the room.

We sat in silence for a few moments after the door shut. It wasn’t that we didn’t have anything to say; it was just we had too much to say and didn’t even know where to begin.

“I can’t believe she is actually here,” George grinned proudly to me as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and rested his hand on our baby’s tiny head.

“She’s perfect,” I smiled, looking at how perfect everything was about the baby in my arms. “Our daughter.”

“Thank-you,” George whispered to me, kissing me on my head as he cuddled up to me and the baby.

“For what?” I smiled.

“For being the best thing to ever happen to me.”

Smiling, I looked down at the baby in my arms and watched her stick her tongue out. “Obviously takes after daddy,” I grinned.

Turning her around carefully in my arms, making sure I didn’t wake her, I passed her over to George. The second she was lying in his arms his face changed. His smile got bigger than I ever thought was possible. I laid back on the bed and watched George looking down at his daughter. “I’ll let you get some rest,” George smiled after a few moments.

He carefully stood up and walked over to the chair besides my bedside. Even though I was restless and exhausted, I couldn’t bring myself to fall asleep – I was too addicted to watching George and our baby. My eyes got heavier and heavier until they closed involuntarily.


“Sammy,” a voice said.

Lifting my head up, I saw the midwife stood peeking around the door into the hospital room. “You’ve got some visitors,” she smiled. “Do you want to see them?”

I looked over at George who was sat in the chair, still cradling our sleeping daughter. He smiled at me. “Yeah,” I grinned.

As soon as the midwife moved out of the way of the door, it swung open and in walked mum, Michael, Dom and Toni. “Congratulations!” they all grinned in unison.

“Where is she?” Dom asked eagerly.

I pointed over to George as he stood up and walked over. Sitting down beside me on the bed, George held onto our baby while everyone rushed over to see her.

“Oh, she is absolutely gorgeous,” Toni grinned. “Congratulations you two, you’ve done amazingly.”

“Thanks mum,” George beamed.

“You really have,” mum smiled. “She’s perfect.”

“Another stunning Shelley baby,” Dom cooed.

“She’s beautiful,” Michael grinned.

“Have you named her yet?” mum asked, hugging me.

“We haven’t even thought about names yet,” I realised, looking at George.

George looked up from the baby and at me. “There’s plenty of time for that though,” he smiled. “I’m just too busy looking at her.”

“Proud daddy then, George?” Michael laughed.

“I couldn’t be any more prouder of my girls, even if I tried,” George grinned.

My heart melted when George said ‘his girls’.

“I bet you are absolutely shattered,” Toni smiled to me.

I nodded. “But it was worth it,” I grinned.

“It doesn’t get much better than this,” Dom joked to me. “After they learn to talk, it goes downhill from there.”

“Shut up dad,” George laughed.

As everyone fussed over our baby, I closed my eyes and tried to fall back asleep. Even though I was happy, I couldn’t help but feel sad over the fact that dad wasn’t here to meet his first grandchild. 

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