Chapter Twenty-Seven.

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As the light entered its way in through the gap in the curtains, I looked over at George as he was still fast asleep - I couldn’t help but grin as his eyes flickered slightly as he dreamt. Quietly, I got out of bed and put my dressing gown on. It felt so weird to be back in my old bedroom again. I walked over to the window, making sure that I didn’t awake George as I tiptoed across the floor.

“What are you doing?” George laughed.

I turned around in surprise to see George laid in bed, watching my failed attempt at opening the curtains without waking him.

“Sorry,” I grinned. “I just always have to have the curtains open first thing on Christmas morning.”

“It’s snowing,” George smiled to me as I opened the curtains, still looking at him.

I turned around as fast as I could to see huge snowflakes falling past the window and landing on my garden below. “It’s so pretty!” I beamed as I pushed the curtains fully back and watched the snow fall outside.

“Wanna know what’s even prettier?” George grinned as he reached over and grabbed me, pulling me back down onto the bed to lie next to him. “My beautiful fiancée.”

“Your cheesy remarks are making me gag,” I joked as we snuggled on my bed, watching the snow.


“Sammy!” Jack grinned as he ran into my bedroom and jumped onto my bed in between where me and George were lying, watching the snow still falling outside the window.

“Happy Christmas,” I smiled.

“Santa came!” he beamed, wriggling down the bed to sit next to me and George.

“He can’t have,” I said. “Santa only comes if you’re a good boy.”

“He came!” he beamed, completely ignoring me as he watched the snow falling.

“Jack,” George smiled, pulling Jack down so he was lying in between us.

“George!” Jack giggled as George began to tickle him.

“I’m gonna leave you two to it,” I joked as I sat up in bed and reached over to grab my dressing gown off the sofa. “I’m gonna go open presents.”

As soon as I mentioned presents, Jack managed to jump up on the bed and jumped off the bed to stand next to me. “Ready,” he said, giving me a huge cheeky grin as he looked up at me.

“Come on then,” I smiled.

I picked Jack up and as I carried him towards my bedroom door that he’d left wide open, George got out of bed and followed us downstairs. The second we got to the bottom step on the staircase, Jack slipped through my arms and landed on the floor. Before I had chance to help him up, he’d already bounced back up and ran towards the huge pile of presents beneath the Christmas tree in the living room.

“Someone’s eager,” George laughed as we walked into the living room.


“Well don’t you three look adorable?” mum laughed as me, George and Jack walked down the stairs, all in our matching monkey onesies – just like the ones we had during the X Factor days.

“Monkeys like snow,” Jack grinned to mum as he grabbed hold of his gloves off the sofa in the living room.

Mum laughed at Jack’s enthusiasm to go play in the snow as me and George got ready to go outside and make a snowman with Jack. He’d been begging us to go outside in the snow to play with it with him since the minute he finished opening all his presents, so we finally gave in.

The second we walked out the back door into the back garden Jack dived across where the grass had been replaced by a thick blanket of pure white snow. “Careful,” I grinned as he made snow angels and all sorts of shapes in the snow.

As I watched Jack roll around in amazement at the snow, a lump of snow suddenly hit me on my back. Turning around, I held the monkey ears on the onesie back to see George grinning at me, holding another snowball in his hand. “What?” he winked.

Before he had chance to throw another snowball at me, I reached across to the patio table and grabbed a handful of snow, pelting it at him. “Nothing,” I giggled as he looked at me, covered in flakes of snow from the snowball that had just exploded all over him.

“Sammy!” Jack squealed with joy as he laid in the snow, almost hidden completely as it was that thick.

“Come on then,” I smiled, brushing the snow off my onesie. “Let’s make the world’s best snowman.”

“Hey Jack,” George called as he walked over to us. “Want to know the best way to make an amazing snowman?”

Jack looked at George eagerly, nodding at the same time.

“This,” George smiled.

All of a sudden, George wrapped his arms around me and dragged me down onto the floor. Lying in the snow, I looked up at the flakes that were falling from the sky and landing on me. “Oh, love you too.”

As George stood looking down and laughing at me lying in the snow, Jack sat on top of me and smiled down at me. “Sammy,” he began. “Are you and George going to get married?”

I nodded.

“Will I be a bridesmaid?” he asked, looking disgusted at the thought.

“Well that depends if you want to wear a frilly dress,” George joked to Jack.

“Yuck! No!” Jack screeched. “That’s girly. George, you can wear a dress.”

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