Chapter Seventy.

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Although I’d done a few music videos before, I still managed to get myself nervous for this one. This song was more upbeat and a lot different to the ones I’d done before – not to mention the fact I was doing it with one of the biggest boy bands in the music industry right now.

Sat in the room where the hair stylists and make-up artists were, I sat looking at my reflection in the mirror as I got my hair curled. I looked across the room to see George and Josh playing on the xbox, laughing at each other. Lisa rushed into the room, looking more panicked than I was feeling. “Sammy,” she shouted, making everyone in the room turn around. “Oh, I didn’t mean to shout.”

“What’s up?” I asked as the hair stylist curled the last strand of my hair.

“I’m snowed under with all the stuff on set,” she sighed, sitting down on the chair next to where I was getting my hair done. “I can’t look after Katy as well. She’s not stopped crying since you came to get your hair done.”

“Where is she?” I asked, noticing she wasn’t carrying her.

“I left her with Michael,” she said. “But he’s got to rush back to the office.”

“Can’t he take her with him?” I asked.

“I’ll see,” Lisa said, standing back up as the hair stylist sprayed the hair spray on my hair, almost gassing everyone out. “But if not, I don’t know what we’re gonna do.”

“What is it?” George asked, walking over to us.

“I don’t suppose you could look after your daughter until the shoot,” Lisa said. “I’m trying to help on the set and I can’t do that and watch her at the same time.”

George stopped Lisa before she went into a breakdown like she usually did on music video shoots. “Of course I’ll look after her,” he smiled. “Where is she?”

“Michael has her in the..”

Before Lisa had chance to finish her sentence, George rushed out of the room towards the set. Lisa looked at me, smiled as the hair stylist finished my hair and followed in the direction where George had rushed off to. As the make-up artist began to do my make-up, I saw JJ carrying Katy in through the door where George and Lisa had just gone through.

“George has just gone to get her,” I smiled as he sat down on the chair next to me, rocking Katy in his arms gently.

“Oh,” he grinned, looking down at Katy as she slept peacefully in his arms. “I just think she wanted some Uncle JJ time.”


After my make-up and hair had been finished, I got rushed off down the corridor by one of the directors to get changed. Stood in the room by myself in the outfit the stylist had chosen for me, I looked at my reflection in the mirror. The high waisted leather shorts and cropped halter-neck gold top hid what was left of my baby bump but I still felt like a whale. My hair was long and wavy and my make-up was all sparkly but I still felt like a slob.

“She wants mummy,” George smiled to me as he walked into the room, carrying Katy as she laid in his arms wide awake.

“Hello gorgeous,” I grinned as he handed her over to me.

Looking into her eyes, she looked straight back at me. “What’s wrong?” George asked me as he sat on the sofa and looked at me.

“Nothing,” I smiled, still looking at Katy.

“There is,” he said. “I know when there’s something worrying you.”

“It’s nothing.”

The Heartbreak Factor - Part ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now