chapter 2

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Victoria's POV

My mother packed an equally large bag for me. It dwarfed my small, thin frame and I had to carry it with both hands, bending backward to lift if off the floor. I didn't complain of the weight or ask for help.

The sound of breaking glass is heard as well with the other neighbors wailed echoing through their houses in quick intervals.

I found my mother in the dining room, smashing all of her herbs and other tools on the floor.

Her face glistened with sweat, and her golden ringlets fell loose over her eyes.

"Mama," I cried, running toward the broken tools and shards that littered the floor.

But I was pulled back before I could even touch the glass.

"Mother, why did you break them? We put our efforts in making them but why?" I asked.

She stopped and stared at the tools in her hand.

"Because I love them so much and I can't bare seeing them being smashed and ruined by others." She threw another tool to the floor not even pausing to see it break before reaching for another.

My tears are now visible and unintentionally a sobbed came out from my mouth.

"Don't cry, darling. Well I won't smash everything. Here is my book it would be yours," she whispered with her eyes looking at me in happiness.

"B-But I am still young, I can't have this-"

"Talent doesn't come with age. It is your heart who will carry the courage to use what's within."


I smile bitterly, remembering a memory from my past.

I had been traveling, seeking for a place that I can consider home.

And it leads me here.

But right now, winter had the village in its jaws.

The repeater had frostbite. The tips of his fingers were puckered, jet black. Gray bulbous lumps appeared on the end of his nose.

I can see villagers wrapped themselves in every piece of clothing and rags they could find. They even tied their feet in old fishing nets that had washed ashore. Everyone bickered inside their tents, getting on each other's nerves.

In this village, poverty is their fearful nemesis.

This village is found at the far end of the palace, no wolf and just humans which gave me opportunity to blend in. But these humans, are individuals who tried to escaped from the wolf king's grip
Yet, running away made them face a new hell.


Small children began dying. I took my food to a starving boy. He was already dead, his tiny hands outstretched, waiting for a piece of bread so I gave it to him. I came here and learned that they don't have a healer to cure them.

Then I walk towards this girl who looked anxious.

"What is it?" I asked. My eyes scanned the snow.

"Shh..." She pulled me closer and pointed.

I saw a huge owl lay in the snow. Its white feathers blended so well that at first I didn't see it. Its body looked to be nearly two feet long. The large Raptor had tiny brown speckles on its head and trunk.

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