chapter 7

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Edward was beside her as he gripped my arm. We strode down the corridors, up flights of stairs and around and around until I almost felt dizzy.

We entered a particularly long hallway, it was silent and only our loud footsteps are heard. Though Edward is wearing a hood concealing his features still it can’t deny the fact that he is fit and tall, a warrior that any wolf should fear. His hood was a tactic to hide his identity that only his assassins and the king should know. No one would ever think that the noble Lord Edward was a murderer, hired by the royals.

His head shifted in my direction and I flashed him a grin. He looked forward again, his iron grip tightening a silent warning that tells me to behave. It was flattering, she supposed, even if I didn’t know what might happen outside this dark room I had no choice but to comply. After debating if I would go or not, Edward was friendly enough to help me decide, he gave me courage as he drags me literally. And finding the king standing with six werewolves’ guards hadn’t improved my mood.

“You came but where are your men?” I heard him questioned but I busy myself from examining the gloved hand that holding my arm.

“I’m sorry my king but I thought it was better if I would only bring her.”

Finally I take a glimpse at the bastard and tried to study his finely crafted sword. Its shimmering pommel was shaped like a wolf. Noticing my stare, his gloved hand descended and rest upon its golden head. Another smile tugged at the corners of my lips.

Why would a werewolf king bring his sword?

It only proves one thing; he can’t control his wolf if he shifts into its form, one weakness that I should take note.

“Don’t worry my king I can even kill all your guards in just a blink of an eye. So I assure that I am more capable than bringing more men,” I said, clearing my throat. “I am sure we don’t need more soldiers and assassin to hunt your mate.” I peered into the darkness beneath the thin fabric covering my eyes.

I felt his eyes upon my face, judging, weighing, and testing. I stared right back. The king’s warrior would be an interesting opponent. Maybe even worthy of some effort on my part.

“Why did you only bring this woman with a fabric covering her eyes, I need wolves with clear vision—“

“My senses are enhanced. I can still kill even I have this, I can still see you my king. My magic gives me an eye to see even if I close my eyes.”

Finally, the man raised his hand from his sword, and the folds of his cloak fell to conceal the blade. As his cloak shifted, she spied the gold wyvern embroidered on his tunic, the royal seal.

“How can I trust you? Show me your eyes witch.” My jaw tightened and I grin.

“Why should I—“

“My king, please forgive her disobedience. Please, just let her be, she was used to cover her eyes in front of people to conceal her identity and she was trained to do that for our protection.” Edward interjected as he bowed his head and pinched my arm to warn me again about my manners.

“No fun,” I mouthed while shrugging.

The king let out a low growl in annoyance.
Oh, it’d be nice to see his blood spill across the ground. I’d lost my temper before—once, when one of Edward’s assassins chose the wrong day to push me too hard. I still remembered the feeling of embedding the dagger into his gut, and the stickiness of his blood on my arms and face. I could disarm two of these warriors in a heartbeat.

Would the king fare better than the late assassin that I killed? Contemplating the potential outcomes, I grinned at him again.

“Don’t grin at me in that way,” he warned, and his hand drifted back toward his sword. So I hid my smirk this time.

It’s not time to kill him, I need to play along.

“So where are we going to search first?” I said sweetly, brushing a strand of raven hair from my face. When he didn’t reply, I clenched my jaw.

All the warriors watched me with hands on their swords. As they should, in the less than a second, I could get my arms over the king’s head.

But as what I had said it’s not the time to kill him now.

I need a plan where I won’t have the chance to fail.

“I’ll tell you this king; I am doing this because of my superior and not because of you.”

Coming within the strangling distance of the king, son of the man who sentenced me into a miserable life, I must say that I am quite making a progress on my patience as my self-control balanced on a fragile edge—dancing along a cliff.

“One of these days I will make sure to silence you witch. You are not special to me I have killed hundreds of your kind and I can add one if you insist. You smelled traitor to me, you stench,” he said almost a whisper and I gritted my teeth.

“Remember that your mate is also a witch so how does he smell my king?”

“He smells not the same as you, that is for sure,” he taunted and smirked so I smiled back which made him frowned.

“Oh I’m sure he isn’t,” I replied with hidden meaning.

Just wait the day of your sufferings Lukas.

I won’t let you mark me and make me feel something that I shouldn’t.
I won’t let you tie me with mate bond which will stop me from killing you.

I won’t be your mate; I won’t be a queen who sat beside a fool for a king.

“Now ready yourself! We will travel towards north—“

“But my king, it would be dangerous to travel that far,” one warrior spoke, and I can feel his fear.

“What do you fear Elias? The kingdom is secured with the beta being in command. And how can I find my mate if I won’t risk looking for him with more effort?” the king snarled and everyone grew silent.

“I must find my mate and bring him back with me and I expect that you would pledge to help me,” he said and I felt he meant to direct his words to me. It was filled with conviction and as he uttered them, he was looking at me with eyes that ought to tame the wild eagerness to object.

Damn him!

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