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“You're a little liar aren't you Victoria?”

“Of course not, a-and if you're done— please go away Lukas.”

“I told you Victoria I am pouring everything to your womb, after hiding about my condition, after lying to me about the aftermath, it just gives me reason to punish you more, witch—”

Lukas said, waiting for her curiosity and anger to get the better of her. Tactics like these rarely failed, and they didn’t now, but it took nearly ten seconds, much longer than he would have figured.


He grinned, “I might forgive you if you lie on top of me.”

The tension was almost palpable, right up until she exploded with hatred. 

“That does it! You are nothing but a trash!” and sat up, covering the warm blanket around her body before getting up.

Desperation made Lukas much quicker, his arm snaking around her waist to pull her back down, his chest moving over hers to hold her there, his mouth catching her protest, hushing it for the moment. He had only seconds to win her over, he knew; he could feel her pushing against his shoulders. If he lost this time…

Victoria was lost. She’d fought it from the moment he kissed her but his revealed golden skin, and contours are more masculine than she could have imagined. She’d closed her eyes to fight it, appalled by what the mere sight of his naked chest had done to her. And she’d almost want to smacked herself right now.

She's still letting these happen. She's letting him take pleasure by letting him have her body, own it and taste it repeatedly.

She must plan the ways to kill him but she hadn’t. She should have, but she hadn’t. And when he’d curled his body to hers, the desire had built inside her, and it taken over twice, and now was beyond her control. And he hadn’t let her run from it.

 Had he known what she was feeling, what he’d made her feel?

He held her cheeks with both hands while he kissed her. He was gentle far from the aggressive nature he showed a while ago. He was thorough. He was at his persuasive best. And he was driving her mad with…

“Your body is driving me mad, witch. I’m sorry, but I can’t stand here without making love with you again.”

Had she said that? No, he had. And for once his “witch” hadn’t sounded mocking; it had sounded like the endearment it was supposed to be. But he wasn’t giving her a chance to answer him. He was kissing her again, more deeply now, and she was drowning in sensations, the heat, the churning—him. She was drowning in him, with him.

“Yes,” she gasped out when she could.


“Yes, now.”


Where did it came from?

“Oh, Goddess, thank you,” he whispered, covering her face with kisses, not missing an inch of it.

She smiled, not sure what Goddess had to do with it. He didn’t notice, moving on to her neck, her shoulders, leaving a moist, hot trail that caused shiver after shiver to pass down her arms, down her spine, down her legs.

The covers were gone. He was her cover now, and she didn’t feel the cold at all. On the contrary, she was so hot, Lukas was more welcome, though, when he moved farther over her and settled between her legs, not his hips but his waist, because he’d moved down as his mouth had.

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