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Lukas had Victoria up against the wall.


Victoria sensed that Lukas was drowning in his own thoughts while fucking her awhile ago but now it's different.


He's looking at her with deep passion.


He hooked her leg over one arm, stretching her up, opening her wide. He lifted her with his other arm around her hips, looking down into her eyes as he slid the tip of his cock inside her.

Victoria’s eyes widened. Lukas was large, his firm tip already pushing her open. She drew in a long breath, her body tightening. She wrapped her legs around his, her skirt draping them both, her bare feet on his thighs.


Lukas made sure all his thoughts and doubts are gone. He would only stare at his lover, his mate...his Victoria.


Lukas lifted her higher, holding her steady, as he slid a little more inside. Victoria’s breath gave out. She tilted her head back, meeting the wall, opening her lungs for air.


Lukas kissed her chin. “You are so beautiful.”


Lukas’s whisper echoed what he’d said every time they are engulfed with sensation.

Victoria touched his face. Lukas’s eyes drifted closed as he slid the rest of the way inside her.

Fully inside her. Lukas drove high, his large cock invading her. Her body gripped it, instinct overriding coherent thought.


He held her like that a moment, she against the wall, he straight up inside her.


Then Lukas lifted her into his arms, holding her on him. He turned in a slow circle in the room, looking into her eyes, the sunshine dancing on them. They were whole, together. One.


Victoria felt him solidly inside her, pressing her in pleasure. She shuddered, her hips wanting to rock, but in the tight position, they could do nothing but be still and be joined. And that was no bad thing.


Lukas kissed her. He said words between the kisses, but she didn’t understand them. Soft little words of tenderness, or so she thought. Victoria ran her hands through his short hair, smiling into his face. The warmth of the sun, the heat of Lukas’s body, the stiffness inside her, were the most wonderful things she’d ever felt. Now she realized that, she’d longed to be this Shifter’s lover since the first night he’d kissed her and changed her world forever.


  His last slow turn brought them back to bed, Lukas supported her back as he laid her down on the bed, the length of it taking Victoria’s body.


Lukas slid her hips to its edge, the two of them still connected. Victoria glimpsed where his large cock disappeared high into her body, before Lukas drew back, exposing the dark length of it. He was wet and slick from being inside her, still hard for her.


  A moment, a glance, and then Lukas slid back inside. He nestled there for half a second, then drew out, then in again. Then again, faster this time.

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