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 "See, I'm touching you. There is nothing to be afraid of. I've touched you before, and you liked it."


 She found his words comforting. She glanced at his eyes and turned away. Victoria really wanted to know what he was thinking and feeling. Biting her lip, she forced herself to stare at him.


 "Don't worry about it, little witch. Don't force yourself to do something you're not ready for."


 "I'm ready for you. I want you. I don't know why. I need you, Lukas."


 "It's the mating, Victoria. We're destined to be together."


 "Then why do I feel something is missing?" she asked, voicing the pain in her heart. Something was missing between them.


 Reaching out a hand, he snagged her around the waist. "Victoria, you only have to ask." His fingers spread out over the back of her hips and drew her to him, fit her snuggly up against him.


  Her lips parted on a gasp as she felt his cock, thick and long, pressing against her belly. Her hands smoothed up his chest.


 It took her all of a nanosecond to realize she was in charge. Her gaze darted from his chest up to his eyes. Drawing on her instinct to seduce, she leaned forward. In a soft whisper of a kiss, she fluttered her lips over his chest, his muscles contracting at the light touch.


 "I was right." She couldn't help the need to taste him. She wanted to feel him.

 The warmth of his breath and the sensation of his touch.


 "What do you mean?"

 She grinned inwardly at the roughness in his voice. "I can lick you from head to toe and not grow bored." She licked his nipple.


 He jerked, a curse dropping from his lips that fell away into a growl of pleasure. She smiled and did it again, adding a nip for good measure. That got his hand driving into the hair at the back of her neck, and he yanked her head back. The blue was back in his eyes, and she smothered a whimper at the evidence he was near the edge of his control.


 "No." His growl was deeper, not totally human. "We do this my way. I want you under me Victoria."

 Her heartbeat tripped in her chest. She'd never been so turned on by a man taking charge. She didn't just like it, which was unusual, she was ready to get on her knees and do his bidding. "As long as you don't stop pleasuring me."


 He slid his free hand down over her ass, gripping the plump curve then lifting his hand. She jumped as it came back down again, in a sharp, light smack.


 "Don't worry Victoria, I don't plan on stopping until you're too hoarse to scream my name anymore."

 He kissed her finally, his lips crashing down over hers. It wasn't a kiss from the romance novels. It wasn't polished and sexy, designed to appeal to her heart. It was raw and primal, intended to seduce all her feminine instincts. She gasped, the sound cut off as he used the opportunity to slide his tongue past her lips.

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