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Victoria pulled her gray woolen cloak more firmly about her shoulders. The wind was sharp this morning. It drove icy fingers under her skirt to wrap around her bones. Normally, she wouldn’t have ventured forth, especially on foot, but she needed time to think alone, and the castle was full of men and something more.

True, there was only her mate, that she can talk to, but she didn’t want to talk to him right now.

Victoria kicked a pebble in the lane. How did the events change so fast? She was once an enemy of this castle but right now she's being a woman, a queen to be exact.

For once, in her lifetime she thought, she won't—and she will never be a woman. She won't let other men caress her in a way that please them. But damn! She even caressed her own breast by just thinking about her mate, Lukas. She even enjoyed the taste of him in her mouth, she let him do things to her and she let him change her mindset.

Definitely, she felt different and confused.

If she wasn’t so embarrassed, she’d ask Lily.

Her friend would be sure to have some type of answer, even if it wasn’t the right one.

And maybe Lily would get her past this ghastly self-consciousness.

It had been so horrible, last night when he’d seen her. Horrible, but also wonderful, in a secret, wicked way. She’d liked him looking at her, she'd like hearing him said she's beautiful, that he owns her.

If she was honest with herself, she’d admit that she wished he’d stayed forever in her arms. Stayed and—

Footfalls, rapid and heavy, came from behind her.

Victoria suddenly realized she was alone in the forest, no cottage, no men in sight. This forest was usually a sleepy hamlet, but still . . . She whirled to confront whoever was about to overtake her.

It wasn’t a footpad.

No, much worse. It was Lukas. She almost turned away again.

“Wait.” His voice was subdued. He opened his mouth again but shut it abruptly as if he didn’t know what else to say.

That unusual dumbness made her feel a little better. Could he possibly be as embarrassed as she? He’d stopped several paces away. He was breathtaking, and he stared at her mutely, his blue eyes yearning. Almost as if he needed something from her.

They can only feel each other when they make love but after that, facing each other right now... He look like a shy stranger.

Tentatively, Victoria said, “I’m just going for a walk, if you think I'll escape, then I won't— b-but if you would you like you can accompany me.”

“Yes I would like that please, most forgiving of angels.”

And suddenly it was all right. She set off once again, and he measured his stride to hers.

“In the spring, these woods are full of bluebells.” She gestured to the surrounding trees. “It’s too bad that I’ve come this time of year when everything is so bleak. When I was still eighteen, Edward decided to bring me in the castle and that's the last time I saw those bluebells.”

“You shall see those bluebells every year, for I decided to keep you forever. On summers will walk and watch those bluebells bloom.” he murmured.

“Spring, actually. Bluebells bloom every spring Lukas not summer.”

He glanced at her.

She smiled wryly. “Are you not aware about that?”


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