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“I'm sorry if I lied, I just thought I can do it. I want to avenged my family Lily. And the only way is to avoid the mating pull.” 


 Her friend nodded. “I can see why. I bet all this mating stuff is new to you. And from the start I knew that you hate him so much, but I didn't expect you'll do those things, just to avoid mating him. So how can you hide this from me Victoria? I am your friend. And that time I was pushing you to helped him— not knowing it was you that he's looking for.”


 What stuff? Nothing seems to have changed other than I get tingles when Lukas's close by. That’s wrong. She also gets turned on whenever he’s around. 

 Shaking off her thoughts she stared at her friend. They’d not gotten a chance to talk since the incident of her getting caught by Lukas.



 “What’s going on with you lately?” she asked. 


 Victoria shrugged. “Nothing new is happening. I’m the same person. I’ve got nothing to share. I just—” 


 “Just what? Are you doubting? Or just confused? Tell me Victoria, so I can help you because you don’t need to hide yourself from me.” She took a seat looking out at the door in case a werewolf would come. Lily told her that Edward had left aiming to talked with Lukas but he left Lily to visit Victoria in her room. 



 Lily sat in the bed waiting for Victoria to talk. 


 “Nothing actually happened. I don’t know. He caught me in my room, marked me, then have me submissive in his bed, and I just don't understand why I felt something has change. There's something within me, screamed for him, wanted him close, and he sat with me for some time. We never talked to each other. I knew deep inside, my mind tells me I need to kill him but right now, I just thought it would be a mistake if I do that. Then I just can't believe the fact that with him I am always having dirty thoughts.” Victoria tucked hair behind her ear.


 Lily listened attentively, and she tried to think of a solution, to help her friend escape her own dilemma. But imagining Lukas, he looked like someone is ready to tear a guy apart, if anyone would dare to take his mate away from him.



 She shivered. Lily didn’t want to think of his hands hurting anyone, especially when they brought Victoria so much pleasure. She can see it in Victoria’s eyes. 


 She's enjoying the mating activity with Lukas. Though, she's denying her feelings. Victoria is still happy and that's important for Lily.



 “He always told me that he wanted me, that I am his and I am beautiful. But in the past, I never thought this day will come, finding myself in this position I am literally confused.” Victoria was bright red. 


 “I bet he said way more than that.” 


 “He did. I refused to remember them all knowing it's out of my league. I’m not waiting for the right man for me Lily, I just want to have my revenge but being mated to him dragged me into confusion. I should hate him but I can't.”

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