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FINGERING her mother's necklace, Victoria used the spell which in the Latin tongue is called imperium, but is known as sway by the Seraphil clan, who always like to do things differently. It is partly an exertion of the will, and it is important to pitch the command with a certain inflection of the voice. But if it is done properly, others will obey instantly.

There was fear and chaos all around her, and that helped. Her voice cut through the uncertainty, and Victoria directed it at those nearest to her: three archers, two soldiers, and Edward.

“Follow me!” she commanded, pitching her voice perfectly.

They turned as one and locked eyes with her. Only Edward showed resistance, but she would obey her without the magic. The others were alert, responsive, and utterly compliant.

Then she began to run toward the river, where Lukas still struggled with the beast on the far bank. The others followed close at her heels, but as she reached the first of the werewolves who encircled them,

Edward moved up to her right side. They fought together as one entity with a single purpose; four legs and four arms directed by a single mind.

A blade was in her left hand, and she swung it in a short, lethal arc—and the nearest of her enemies perished. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Edward dispatch another of the werewolves.

They were a lethal force and broke through the thin circle with ease. But when they crossed the ford, there were at least nine werewolves clustered about the place of combat, stabbing downward at Lukas. One man was leaning on his pole, attempting to push the blade into the joint between helmet and neck, always a weakness in such armor. But there was mail beneath, and Lukas was doubly protected. However, the greatest threat to his life came from the beast, which still had Lukas' head in its jaws; the metal of his helmet had crumpled inward. Lukas was groaning with pain and still struggling to be free. His sword had fallen from his grasp, but he was punching the head of the beast repeatedly with his mailed fist.

Victoria knew they had to act quickly because the other werewolves behind them would regroup and they’d be cut off from the castle.

“Use your bows!” she commanded, and the three archers obeyed instantly, firing three arrows into the throng. One embedded itself in the nearest woman, hurling her backward into the mud.

After a second volley, the beast shook the body of Lukas, like a dog with a rat, before releasing its prey and bounding directly toward them. Victoria met its eyes and saw that she was still the primary target.

She selected a throwing knife and hurled it straight at the beast. It embedded itself up to the hilt in the creature’s right eye. Two arrows also found their target. One skidded harmlessly off its shoulder, but the second went straight into its open mouth and pierced its throat. It was Edward who put things beyond doubt.

She threw her blade with great accuracy to take the creature in the left eye. Now it was blind.

It swerved away from them and bounded toward the trees, yelping like a whipped dog. Seconds later, they reached Lukas, and the two soldiers lifted him out of the mud and began to carry him. There was no time to check on his condition, but it didn’t look good.

Blood was leaking out of the crumpled helmet.

Victoria wanted to check her mate and follow the soldiers but she couldn't let Luca defeat them.

They headed back across the river and joined up with those of their party who’d survived the battle.

The sergeant gave an order, and the men-at-arms formed a small, tight defensive square about the archers and the soldiers carrying the wounded Lukas. But Edward and Victoria fought outside that square.

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