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The smell of sex surrounded the room. Their personal scents wrapped around them like an invisible cloak. His wolf hummed his approval as the mating hormone flooded his veins.

It would be so easy to take her now, to mate with her and to make her his woman without a thought. For once he and the beast were thinking as one, but he knew to do something like that before she had a chance to speak up, would be wrong. He wouldn’t do anything to lose her trust.

Opening her thighs, he kept his gaze on her never once leaving her face even though she uses fabric to cover her eyes she's still beautiful.

Slowly, he eased his fingers up the outside of her thighs teasing her skin. When she relaxed again he brought his fingers around to the inside of her thighs. She gasped as he brought his fingers up to her core. Touching her pussy, he felt her arousal coating the fine hairs of her sex. Her eyes went wide, and she arched against him, clearly trying to get him to touch her harder.

Ignoring her demand, he remained still, only touching her lightly. Once she settled down again, he opened the lips of her sex, spreading her open.

“I’m just going to touch your pussy and get you used to the feel of my fingers against you.” His mouth watered for a taste of her. Touching her would never be enough, but tonight only his fingers and mouth were going to do.

Her breathing deepened as he touched her pussy. He eased a finger between her slick folds, watching her gritted her treeth.

Lukas own beast answered the call, but as quickly as it appeared, the wolf disappeared, leaving the human alone once more.

“What happened?” she asked, looking amazed.

“My wolf wanted to mate.”
He caressed her clit watching her cry out as he coated his fingers with her essence. Leaning over, he claimed her lips, plunging his tongue into her mouth.

He kissed down to her breast, sucking the tight nipple into his mouth. She tasted amazing. Lukas knew he would never grow bored with her. Each second they were together drove him further to claim her.

Biting down onto her hard bud, he stroked her clit loving each cry and whimper that escaped her lips.

Down he went, kissing down her body, removing his hand from her pussy. When he was at eye level with her mound he simply took seconds to stare at the beauty of her sex. Her clit was swollen, and the fine red hairs covering the lips of her sex teased him.

Spreading her open, he touched her clit with his tongue. Her essence exploded, and he swallowed every drop of cream he could.

She tasted amazing, addictive, and he didn’t want it to end. He would gladly spend the rest of his life licking her out.

Her screams echoed off the walls as he flicked, caressed, and nibbled on her clit. She gripped his hair tightly but couldn’t force him to stop.

Lukas was nowhere near done with her yet.

Reaching up, he gripped her hips, wanting to hold her in place as he licked her out. Her cries turned to screams.

The pleasure built up, and her orgasm was so close to the surface. Nibbling on her clit, he sucked the swollen bud into his mouth before giving it a final flick of his tongue.

She came apart, and he kept up the strokes of his tongue wanting her orgasm to last.

From her response, he knew she hadn’t experienced an orgasm before. The thrill that went through him would stay with him forever at knowing he was the cause for her first explosion.

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